The aim of the FFG/Quantum Austria project HuSQI is the coordinated acquisition and installation of closed-cycle cryogenic stations equipped with advanced electronic and optical equipment for the rapid characterization and uninterrupted operation of photonic and superconducting solid-state devices for forefront research in quantum science and new applications in quantum computation and communication.
The new equipment, distributed across four hubs in Innsbruck, Linz and Vienna, will consist of stateof-the-art cryostats, lasers, signal generators, spectroscopy tools, as well as dedicated software for automated operation and will be operated in synergy with already existing infrastructure for device fabrication and characterization/operation at the hubs.
HuSQI’s infrastructure shall allow the applicants and their research groups (postdocs and PhD students accompanied by bachelor and master students), their collaborators and external users to keep giving decisive contributions to quantum science and technology based on photonic and superconducting platforms, which are complementary to other platforms being investigated in Austria, such as trapped ions and cold gases. At the same time, HuSQI will allow the already collaborating research groups to strengthen their interaction, consolidate and expand their visibility on the international landscape, and – possibly – also generate intellectual property relevant to advancing quantum technologies in Austria and Europe.
HuSQI brings together complementary expertise at three Austrian Universities (see Fig. 1), having the common goal of enabling time-efficient development, testing, and optimisation of new solid-state quantum devices as well as their uninterrupted operation. This target will be reached through the coordinated acquisition and setup of state-of-the-art cryogenic, electronic, and optical equipment to be fully dedicated to research on superconducting and photonic platforms, complementary to other architectures under investigation in Austria, such as trapped ions and cold gases.

Coordinator and PI at JKU: Prof. Dr. Armando Rastelli
PI at University of Innsbruck: Prof. Dr. Gregor Weihs
PI at University of Vienna: Prof. Dr. Philipp Walther
Project duration: 01.01.2023-31.12.2025