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Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gabriele Kotsis

Curriculum Vitae

ACM Past President

ACM President

Vice-Rector for Research, JKU Linz

Professor for Computer Science, JKU Linz (Austria)
Department of Telecooperation

Visiting Professor, CBS, Copenhagen (Denmark)
Department of Information Systems

Visiting Professor, WU Vienna, Vienna (Austria)
Department of Business Informatics

Associate Professor, University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria)

Habilitation, University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria)
Venia Docendi in Computer Science

Assistant Professor (PostDoc), University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria),
Institute for Applied Computer Science and Information Systems, Department of Advanced Computer Engineering

PhD Graduation, University of Vienna, Dr.rer.soc.oec, passed with distinction

University Assistant (Prae-Doc), University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria)
Institute for Statistics and Computer Science, Dept. of Applied Computer Science

Master's Degree, Business Informatics, Mag.rer.soc.oec, passed with distinction


Course Id Title Registration Type WH Teachers Rhythm
343000 (2025S) Techniques of Presentation and Team Work
Show schedule
Register UV 2,00 Paul GrünbacherAlexander EgyedLuciano Marchezan de PaulaRick Rabiser Weekly
367001 (2025S) Tutorial in Introduction to Software Development
Show schedule
Register UE 0,00 Wieland Schwinger Weekly
367013 (2025S) Master's Thesis Seminar SS
Show schedule
Register SE 3,00 Gabriele KotsisKarin Anna HummelIsmail Khalil Weekly
367032 (2025S) Project in Pervasive Computing Register PR 5,00 Karin Anna HummelIsmail KhalilGabriele Kotsis Block
367036 (2025S) Project Practical Register PR 5,00 Gabriele KotsisKarin Anna HummelIsmail Khalil Block
367060 (2025S) Multimedia Systems
Show schedule
Register VO 2,00 Gabriele Kotsis Weekly
343000 (2025S)
Title Techniques of Presentation and Team Work
Show schedule
Registration Register
Type UV
WH 2,00
Teachers Paul GrünbacherAlexander EgyedLuciano Marchezan de PaulaRick Rabiser
Rhythm Weekly
367001 (2025S)
Title Tutorial in Introduction to Software Development
Show schedule
Registration Register
Type UE
WH 0,00
Teachers Wieland Schwinger
Rhythm Weekly
367013 (2025S)
Title Master's Thesis Seminar SS
Show schedule
Registration Register
Type SE
WH 3,00
Teachers Gabriele KotsisKarin Anna HummelIsmail Khalil
Rhythm Weekly
367032 (2025S)
Title Project in Pervasive Computing
Registration Register
Type PR
WH 5,00
Teachers Karin Anna HummelIsmail KhalilGabriele Kotsis
Rhythm Block
367036 (2025S)
Title Project Practical
Registration Register
Type PR
WH 5,00
Teachers Gabriele KotsisKarin Anna HummelIsmail Khalil
Rhythm Block
367060 (2025S)
Title Multimedia Systems
Show schedule
Registration Register
Type VO
WH 2,00
Teachers Gabriele Kotsis
Rhythm Weekly