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Institute of Telecooperation
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Study possibilities.

We offer

  • introductory courses in computer science, e.g. Information Systems, Software Development and Multimedia Systems
  • courses in computer science for students of other branches of studies
  • special topics in computer science, e.g. Mobile Computing, Modelling Internet Applications, Model Engineering, Web Information Systems, Principles of Interaction, Principles of Cooperation
  • supervision of seminars, practicals, bachelor-, master- and PhD-thesis on the research topics of the institute

Our current courses are listed in KUSSS.

We welcome

  • students of computer science at any level who are interested in practical teaching, close to research
  • students of all branches of study with interest in interdisciplinary exchange with computer science

We coopereate in teaching with other institutions in Linz (e.g. Group Interface Cultures, opens an external URL in a new window at the University of Art and Design Linz, or the Department of Visual Communication, opens an external URL in a new window), in Austria via participation in Netzwerk Informatik Austria, opens an external URL in a new window and international, e.g. via ASEA-UNINET, opens an external URL in a new window.


Bachelor curriculum for computer science


Master curriculum for computer science


Curriculum for the doctorate