Information and Reports.

Information Sessions

We offer regularly scheduled information sessions about the MORE Program:

Additional Activities:

    After Austrian universities moved on-site classroom instruction to remote learning in lieu of the COVID-19 pandemic, many students in the MORE program did not have the required technical devices, no working notebook, or even no notebook at all. A decision was made to provide financial support to purchase new devices. Sparkasse Oberösterreich generously sponsored students in the MOREClassic program. Click here, opens a file to learn more.
  • As part of the German course "Mittelstufe I", a group of 8 students in the MORE program visited the exhibition "Gekommen und Geblieben. 50 Jahre Arbeitsmigration in (Ober-)Österreich" at the Arbeitswelten Museum in Steyr on April 8, 2016 (curator: a.Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Michael John). Photos and a brief summary about the excursion will be available soon on the Center for Business Languages and Intercultural Communications website.


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