What should a CV look like in Austria? Do I need a letter of motivation? And what do you have to consider during a job interview?

Date: November 20, 10.30 AM - 5.30 PM
Host: IWC
Location: Raiffeisen Innovation Center @ JKU, Ground Floor, Bank Building
Special Guests: TBA
What should a CV look like in Austria? Do I need a letter of motivation? And what do you have to consider during a job interview?
These topics and information on labour law and important contact points for your future in Upper Austria await you on November 20!
Experts in these fields will visit us this semester and offer a variety of inspiring hands-on workshops. You can register for individual workshops. Nevertheless, we recommend joining each workshop as some are building up on the others.
Registration deadline: November 19!
Limited capacity: First come, first served!
Schedule Workshop Day:
10.30 AM - 11.00 AM: Info Session ABA: Working Permits, RWR Cards,...
11.15 AM - 11.45 AM: Info Session: Come2Upper Austria - your service centre for career opportunities in Upper Austria
1.00 PM - 2.00 PM: CV - How to stand out!
2.20 PM - 3.20 PM: Motivation Letter - do I need one?
3.45 PM - 5.15 PM: Fit for Job Interviews! Dos & Dont`s