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Issue 2 of the Kepler Tribune on Stands Now: Lest They Be Forgotten

The second issue of the JKU newspaper, the Kepler Tribune, is now available. This issue focuses on the 2018 Memorial Year.

"Only he who knows the past has a future." Wilhelm von Humboldt’s quote is particularly valid in today’s world. The current issue of the Tribune sees itself as a valuable contribution to remembering and forgetting.

This issue’s topics are diverse: the article "1938 und die Lehren der Geschichte" is dedicated to philosopher Konrad Paul Liessmann and "the shadows of the past the temptations of the present". The editorial team met with Holocaust survivor Johanna Sobolewska-Pyz for an emotional and poignant interview. Readers can follow Franz-Joseph Huainigg’s quest for answers at the former euthanasia institute at Schloss Hartheim.

The newspaper also features commentary sections, scientific articles and brain teasers. If you would like a free online subscription, send an e-mail to abo.tribune(at)jku.at. You can contact the editorial team at red.tribune(at)jku.at. We look forward to hearing from you!

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  • Kepler Tribune Ausgabe 2