A high-profile conference focusing on procedural law recently took place at the JKU.
Is the multilateral risk assessment tool fit for real-world applications? What can the Federal Tax Code learn from civil procedure law? What does "procedural acceleration" mean for the Federal Fiscal Court? As part of an evening event at the end of November, Martin Vock, Gebhard Furherr, opens an external URL in a new window, Mathis Fister, Walter Summersberger and Peter Unger addressed these and more, focusing on procedural innovations as outlined in the 2022 Tax Amendment Act (AbgÄG 2022). Headed by Thomas Bieber, opens an external URL in a new window, Walter Summersberger and Michael Tumpel, the fascinating presentations were well received and underscored just how relevant procedural law is is when it comes to real-world legal practices.