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E-Journal Access Conditions for the JKU.

ACS - American Chemical Society
ACM Digital Library

Full text articles for these journals are openly available at the JKU and at RISC. 

JKU students and employees can access these journals remotely.
(These publishers also offer access via Shibboleth.)

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Beck Online

The use of anonymous access from the JKU IP area is not permitted.

Both JKU students and JKU employees may use their personal Beck login (from campus or externally). Please register ( at first use) to obtain your access information.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

CUP - Cambridge University Press
De Gruyter
Duncker & Humblot

Full text articles in these journals are openly available at the JKU and at RISC. 

JKU students and employees can access these journals remotely.
(These publishers also offer access via Shibboleth.)

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Free Campus-Wide Access

Full text articles in these journals are openly available at the JKU and at RISC. 

JKU students and employees can access these journals remotely.
(Many publishers also offer access via Shibboleth.)

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Digital Journals

Full text articles in these journals are openly available at the JKU and at RISC. 

JKU students and employees can access these journals remotely.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


Full text articles in the journals by the economic database Business Source Premier, the psychological database Psychological and Behavioral Science Collection, the databases Entrepreneurial Studies Source and Risk Reference Management Center as well as Sociological Index with Fulltext are available at the JKU and at RISC Hagenberg.
JKU students and employees can access these journals remotely.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


Licensed by the JKU:
The Elsevier Freedom Collection, beginning with Volume 1995 (Austrian Consortia)
Electronic Journals from the above-mentioned volumes, most starting in 1995, licensed eBooks, Cell Press

Online access to full text articles is permitted from the JKU and at RISC Hagenberg. 

JKU students and employees can access Elsevier remotely, as well as via Shibboleth

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Emerald Premier 
IEEE Xplore / Electronic Library Online (IEL)
IOPscience extra

Online access to full text articles is permitted from the JKU and at RISC Hagenberg. 

JKU students and employees can access these journals remotely, as well as via Shibboleth.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Hogrefe & Huber (PsyJournals)

Access to full text articles by Hogrefe & Huber.

JKU employees and students are the only authorized users; access is permitted within the Main Campus Library's IP-range, the special libraries, and library employees.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

JSTOR: Arts & Sciences I + II and Mathematics & Statistics

Full text articles in these journals are openly available at the JKU and at RISC. 

Only volumes as mentioned under "JSTOR Coverage" are accessible, no "Recent Content"!

JKU students and employees can access these journals remotely.
(These publishers also offer access via Shibboleth.)


If you have any questions, please contact us.

Lexis 360

Access to journals' electronic full texts is available on the Johannes Kepler University Linz campus.

JKU students can only access the journals while on campus.
External access is permitted by means of authentication as a JKU employee.

  • click on "Login" at the top right of the LexisNexis page
  • click on "Login universities/universities of applied sciences"
  • select "JKU" from the drop-down menu
  • Accept the Terms of Use
  • Log in using your JKU login

Click on the three dashes = content at the top left, select journals and the title you are looking for.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


JKU students and employees are permitted to access to full text articles online by Linde Publishing.

JKU students and employees can access these journals remotely.
(This publisher also offers access via Shibboleth.)

Students are subject to a limit of 1,000 documents a month.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Mary Ann Liebert
Mohr Siebeck
OJPS des American Inst. of Physics
RSC Royal Society of Chemistry
SIAM Soc. Industrial and Appl. Math.

Full text articles in these journals are openly available at the JKU and at RISC. 

JKU students and employees can access these journals remotely.
(These publishers also offer access via Shibboleth.)

If you have any questions, please contact us.


Online access is permitted at the JKU or at RISC. 

Remote access is permitted for JKU students and employees.
Remote access is also permitted via Shibboleth, opens an external URL in a new window.

If you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact us.

The New York Times

Online access is permitted when at the JKU; the IP range begins with 140.78.*.
JKU students and employees can access these journals remotely.

New beg. 2023: JKU members who have a valid JKU e-mail address with the domain @jku.at, opens an external URL in a new window can now enjoy access to NYTimes.com and the New York Times News App.

Authentication Information
Please see the PDF, opens a file in a new window, which includes authentication instructions in just 5 easy steps.  

Before logging into NYTimes.com, students and faculty members MUST activate a digital pass by going to nytimes.com/passes, opens an external URL in a new window. Logging in to NYTimes.com using your JKU address before activating their digital pass will not work.

Video demo, opens an external URL in a new window of the authentication process

If you have any questions, please contact us.

OUP Oxford University Press
Oxford University Press Medicine Collection

Full text articles in these journals are openly available at the JKU and at RISC. 

JKU students and employees can access these journals remotely.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Journals by Manz Publishers
(RDB Legal Database)

Once properly authenticated, both JKU students and employees can access full texts at RDB:
Log in:

  • Click on ANMELDEN
  • Select your "home university".
  • Login (use your eDirectory or KUSSS login)

Please read the Terms of Use, opens an external URL in a new window.

If you have any questions, please contact us.


Full text articles in these journals are openly available at the JKU and at RISC. 

JKU students and employees can access Sage remotely, also via Shibboleth, opens an external URL in a new window.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Spektrum Publishing

Full text articles in these journal(s) are openly available at the JKU. 

Remote access is not permitted.

Please use Firefox.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

Springer Compact
Springer Link

Online access to full text articles (starting mostly after 1997) in Springer e-journals is permitted from the JKU and at RISC.

JKU students and employees can access Springer e-journals remotely, also via Shibboleth, opens an external URL in a new window.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Taylor & Francis

JKU students and employees may access full text articles at Taylor & Francis online at the JKU and at RISC Hagenberg.

JKU students and employees can access Taylor & Francis remotely.
(This publisher also offers access via Shibboleth.)

If you have any questions, please contact us.

WILEY Online Library

Online access to the electronic full text articles in eJournals by publisher Wiley is permitted from the JKU and at RISC.
Access in most journals starts at around 1997.

JKU students and employees can access the Wiley Online Library remotely, also via Shibboleth.

Articles published earlier than 1997 can be ordered via Interlibrary Loan, opens in new window services.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

wiso plus and wiso praxis

JKU students and employees are permitted to access to full text articles online in the wiso plus database wiso plus at the JKU and at RISC Hagenberg. 

JKU students and employees can access wiso plus and wiso praxis remotely.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

The library will deliver the article to you, or provide you with the login information.

Authorized only for JKU students and employees.

If you need articles in this journal, please contact us by sending an e-mail to: emedien.bibliothek@jku.at.
Please provide us your matriculation ID number or employee ID number.

Please note:
- Only selected articles are available; sometimes these are not identical to the printed version.
- Special issues, special editions, and/or supplementary issues are not always available.
- There is no Interlibrary Loan service available!

If you have any questions, please contact us.