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Use LISSS to Find Books & Materials.

Tips to Conduct a Search

The Simple Search is preset on the LISSS homepage. Enter one or more words. The default is a search for all fields. As an additional search criterion, you can, for example, add the publication year to Author and Title.

The system is not case-sensitive, meaning when typing in 'computer', you will get: computer, Computer and COMPUTER.

In regard to conducting a simple search, the system will automatically link with AND when entering several terms.

You can use the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT (capital letters only) when conducting a simple search. For example, if you enter 'heart' OR 'cardio', the system will search for all of the records containing heart or cardio as a term.

You can also use the following place-holder symbols:

  • A ? replaces a letter (i.e. you can enter: han?  and get back: hans, hand, hemp, etc.).
  • The * replaces several letters (i.e. han* results in: handbuch, handelsakademie, etc.).

If you want to maintain the exact word order, enter the phrase in quotation marks (i.e. "computer programming"). LISSS will only search for phrases in which both words appear next to each other.

In order to limit the search ahead of time (such as language, etc.), use advanced search to select corresponding fields.


Search Portal LISSS = LIterature Search Support Service

Your central access point to find books & materials at the JKU

Result Lists

When you submit a search query, you can search the entire library inventory at the University of Linz.

Switch between the tabs Books and other media (local print and eBooks) or Articles (licensed full texts from eJournals and databases) for a better overview.

This is how to optimize your search results.

  1. Books and Other Media

    In addition to the author, title and year of publication, the results list also shows an availability indicator for the location of what you are looking for. By displaying a symbol - corresponding to the type of media - we can guarantee visual classification.

    To the left of the results list, you will find faceting options to limit the results list according to your needs.

    Books and materials that are of interest to you can be added to your watch list by clicking on the thumbtack symbol. If you log in, you can save the watch list permanently. If you are not logged in, the watch list will be deleted after you close the browser.

    If you see Show Editions above the title, that means there are several editions available or the corresponding title is available both as a print copy and as an eBook.

    Under Available In, all corresponding information about the respective title that is needed to find or reserve the book will be displayed . Under inventory, you can find the  book's location, the due date if the book has been checked out, the signature and classification, the status, a description, if any, is displayed, and you can log on to see if it is possible to reserve or order the book.

    In the details, you will find more information about the title, the used keywords, and the AC number.

  2. Articles

    LISSS provides options to search explicitly for licensed full texts in eJournals and databases. You can access the results list and save or print the full text directly from the list.

    There are also corresponding facet options and, if needed, you can save matches to your watch list.

Please Note:

There are databases that cannot be searched using LISSS (see list, opens an external URL in a new window).