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Education with a Purpose.

The JKU gives students an opportunity to earn ECTS credits for volunteer work (Education with a Purpose). There are also credit transfer options for work experience at companies.


We are living in times of increasing social challenges. Universities are faced with increasing demands to apply and share their expertise in research and education and meet the so-called “third mission” in society to support social transformation processes and help meet and overcome these challenges. The JKU is fulfilling the objectives as outlined by the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science & Research, which welcomes the support of "social involvement in relation to regional circumstances“, opens an external URL in a new window

The Johannes Kepler University gives students the following opportunities to earn ECTS credits for their hands-on, volunteering activities.

Volunteering in emergency/rescue/paramedic services, or as a volunteer firefighter

Students in the course "Freiwilligkeit – Ehrenamt" (="Volunteering-Voluntary Work") can earn academic credit for their volunteer activities in emergency/rescue/paramedic services if they can provide confirmation of logging 100 hours of volunteer service. Students can also earn academic credit for activities considered core responsibilities at a volunteer fire department if they can provide proof of having successfully passed the corresponding examinations and confirming 100 hours of volunteer service.

Students who volunteer with other organizations - such as working with kids & teens, organizing charity events, volunteering as part of a "meals on wheels" program, in-home visits, etc. - can earn academic credit as part of the course "Freiwilligenarbeit im Sozialbereich - Lernen.Engagement.Verantwortung." (=Volunteering in the Social Sector - “Learning.Commitment.Responsibility”).


Students in the course “Volunteering in the Social Sector” can earn ECTS credits by confirming their volunteer work at non-profit organizations, associations, or by means of a personal project serving the common good. Students can earn partial course credit for prior activities (such as volunteering for charitable institutions, at retirement homes, associations that work with kids & teens, etc.). Students can earn 2, 3 or 4 ECTS credits based on the extent of their voluntary service.


Work Experience

Work experience not only helps students better understand theory, it is also a significant advantage in the job market. The JKU aims to encourage and support students in acquiring this type of experience by giving students an opportunity to earn ECTS credits for work experience.


These courses are open to all students who have acquired - or will acquire - hands-on, real-world experience during the current academic year by means of a work placement position or a part-time job. The course objective involves reflecting on these experiences in relation to what was learned, as well as acquired skills and abilities. The employer is required to provide written confirmation of a minimum of 75 hours of work experience (during the semester or previous semester), and a job description. You may only earn the 3 ECTS credits once to count within your selected major. The course is only offered during the Summer Semester.

In addition to this option, there are some degree programs that include a professional internship as an elective subject. A professional internship can, however, only be accepted for credit once.