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CALL (closed)


Self-driving cars, virtual work environments, and artificial intelligence in healthcare: What was once considered science fiction yesterday is becoming a reality today. New technologies play an ever-growing role in the way we live our everyday lives and how we interact socially.

  • What kind of future trends and new developments will shape the way people and machines interact?
  • How will technological advancements affect the way we live and get along with others?
  • What kind of technology-driven innovations can help address social needs?
  • How will we consume information in the future?

THE FUTURE WE WANT is an effort to call on people to shape tomorrow - a future we all want - together. This means thinking about what kind of future we want to live in as a society and who will take part in shaping it. In cooperation with the Ludwig Boltzmann Society (an association that plays a key, international pioneering role in opening up the science system), we aim to provide financial and methodological funding in support of innovative project ideas at the crossroads between "people and technology".


The call for ideas, THE FUTURE WE WANT, invites JKU researchers to submit project ideas at the crossroads between people (residents, patients, etc.) and technology (artificial intelligence, robotics, data science, algorithmic decision systems, secure systems, extended reality, 5G, etc.). We want to encourage projects that - in addition to focusing on technological opportunities - also take social impact and what people want into account.

In order to create future solutions that pursue a "Responsible Technology" approach, we want to involve the community to join in on the scientific discourse. In this regard, the call is aimed specifically at researchers who are not only interested in experimenting with new forms of collaboration, but would like to actively involving members of society as well..



Academic employees at the JKU Linz (with the approval of the respective institute/department head)


At the Crossroads between People and Technology


German or English


January 15, 2022: Sketch of ideas (optional)
February 28, 2022: Project Application + Video


April 2022


6-18 months
(maximum to November 30, 2023)


Impact Initiatives:  €300,000 max.
Add-on Initiative:   €100,000 max.
100% Funding Rate




We are looking for projects at the crossroads of people and technology(s). The technology term is very broad in order to allow as many institutes as possible to take part in the call.


Potential gateways to explore people & technology includes:

- Technology applied as a tool to enhance and amplify the human spirit

- Optimizing technology in an effort to improve the way people and technology interact

- and more.

The projects are intended to develop or initiate future solutions that demonstrably support responsible social change and generate social benefits. The benefit for society and science should also extend beyond the project's duration and bring sustainable added value.

Integrating expertise from different scientific disciplines and (non-academic) interests is essential in an effort to address complex social challenges. The Call has been designed to facilitate and support transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration. Project teams should be made up of diverse members.

The community should be actively involved in the research projects. Involving residents, citizens, patients, etc. can take place at various points during the research process. In this regard, "open" should not just be a catchphrase but rather, it should bring real added value to the project such as a new perspective, knowledge, or insight that would not be possible without having community members involved.


There are two steps to the submission process:


Step 1: Submit an idea outline by January 15, 2022 

Those submitting idea outlines can take advantage of support services in January/February to help with the application process. The idea outline should express your interest and helps us to help you take advantage of our services.

Step 2: Submit a project application and video* by February 28, 2022

Send your application by e-mail to: patricia.stark(at)lbg.ac.at and include the video download link and, if applicable, consent and permission by the respective department / institute head.

Please briefly introduce your project idea, your intent and motivation behind your idea, and your team. Why should the project receive funding? The video should be approximately 1-2 minutes long.  

An independent jury of experts consisting of civil society representatives and innovation and technology experts will review and evaluation the submissions. They will provide initial feedback about the ideal outlines and evaluate the final submissions. Decisions will be rendered by March 2022.

The earliest project start date is April 2022.


  • Personnel (HR) costs*
  • Fees
  • Material costs and services: i.e. catering, printing costs, advertisements, room rentals, communication and collaboration software, small equipment (such as digital recorders, video cameras, and laptops up to €1,500), research and office infrastructure (up to €1,500)
  • Travel expenses: second class public transportation
  • Subcontracting: Third-party services that serve to implement activities i.e. facilitating workshops). When subcontracting abroad, 20% VAT must be included when budgeting for the activity

*Employees in the Impact Initiatives will remain employed by the JKU Linz. Newly hired individuals eligible to be 100% financed by the project for the duration will be employed by LBG. Those only partially covered by the project funding will be employed by the JKU and financed by the project. In regard to Add-On Initiatives (i.e. accompanying initiatives),those individuals are (or remain) employed by the JKU and financial coverage stems from the project.


 Applicants will have access to a wide range of support and consulting services to help write project applications and create videos. These services can be useful when, for example, refining project ideas, clarifying questions, and drawing up budgets and schedules.

Selected projects will have access to individual and joint project coaching by a broad network consisting of experts at the Ludwig Boltzmann Society as well as others who have acquired a strong background and expertise in needs-related knowledge.

THE FUTURE WE WANT program aims to cross-link flagship projects. The peer network supports communication as well as each project's positive, mutual influence and contributes sustainably anchoring Open Innovation in Science at the JKU.

The academic faculty members involved in the projects have various opportunities to hone and develop skills to progress and advance in the area of transdisciplinary research, participative methods, and collaboration between society, academia, and science. 

We support flagship projects in the area of PR so they can be showcased during their runtime. We also assist in presenting and publishing research findings to both experts and those outside of the scientific community.

All supported THE FUTURE WE WANT projects and the Lab itself will be evaluated continuously throughout the duration to ensure a sustainable social impact and to create shared learning opportunities.

[Translate to Englisch:] LOGO_LAB


Please do not hesitate to contact us!
Patricia Stark


We are working together with the LBG Open Innovation in Science Center. Check out their homepage to learn more about Open Innovation in Science and available tools.
LBG Logo


Co-authored by Christiane Grill at the OIS Center, the "Future Skills for Openness" framework focuses on what mindset, skills and tools are needed to foster a culture of openness.