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Career Milestones: JKU Researchers Presented with Habilitation Diplomas

Vice-Rector Christopher Lindinger presented six JKU faculty members with habilitation diplomas.

von links: Vizerektor Christopher Lindinger, Georg Weichhart
von links: Georg Weichhart, Vizerektor Christopher Lindinger

About the Researchers

Born in 1984, DI Dr. Clemens Hofreither studied mathematics at JKU. After graduation in 2008, he completed his doctorate in Computational Mathematics, earning a habilitation (venia docendi) in 2020 for his thesis "Fast Algorithms for Tensor Product Discretizations in Isogeometric Analysis and Beyond". Hofreither has been a researcher at the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) since 2019 and has already received two grants in support of his work.

Born in 1980, DI Dr. Mario Kapl earned a Diploma degree in Technical Mathematics, a doctorate in Technical Sciences (majoring in Mathematics), and in 2020 he habilitated in Mathematics, all at JKU. Between 2016 and 2017 he held a post-doc position at the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Pavia (Italy). In addition to academics, Kapl is very athletic and is a state-certified instructor and trainer for cross-country skiing.

Born in Linz in 1982, DI Dr. Markus Passenbrunner finished his initial studies in Technical Mathematics, followed immediately by enrolling in the doctorate degree program, completing the program in 2011. In 2015, he began managing his first Austrian Science Fund project while working on several other projects. He is currently working on another Austrian Science Fund research project titled "Martingale Inequalities for Spline Sequences".

Born in 1984, DI Dr. Stefan Takacs graduated with his Master's degree in Industrial Mathematics at the JKU in 2008. As part of an Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship Program, he worked at the University of Oxford (UK) in 2012 and at Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany) in 2014. He received his habilitation in 2020 for his thesis titled "Rubust Multigrid Solvers and Related Topics". Currently at RICAM, Takacs has received four grants and published numerous articles.

Born in 1981, Dr. Tobias Wiß studied political science in Berlin and Munich, earning his doctorate degree in social sciences at the University of Mannheim in 2011. In 2020, Wiß earned his habilitation at the JKU with a dissertation titled "The Political Economy of the Public-Private Mix in Social Policy in Europe". He received several grants to support his research (i.e. Austrian Science Fund), he is currently co-PI for a project funded by NORFACE.

Ing. Mag. Dr. Georg Weichhart studied Business Informatics at the University of Vienna, followed by earning his doctorate at the Institute for Business Informatics - Communications Engineering at the JKU with a dissertation titled "Interoperability of Dynamic Enterprise Systems: Enabling the Complex Adaptive Nature of the Enterprise as a System".  Weichhart is a senior researcher at PROFACTOR Ltd. in Austria and holds presentations and lectures in Upper Austria and Graz about cyber physical production systems.