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Can We Ask... What Exactly is ‘Intelligence’?

We’re young, so we can: Gregor has asked our researchers to answer some of your questions!

Thumbnail Reiss Imagekampagne
Thumbnail Reiss Imagekampagne

Our campaign, opens in new window invites you to ask us your questions! And we've collected quite a few, meaning it's now time to answer them. The next question is: What exactly is ‘intelligence’?

Gregor spoke with Julian Reiss, JKU professor and head of the Institute of Philosophy and Scientific Method at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Prof. Reiss earned a degree business and finance at the University of St. Gallen and a PhD in philosophy at the London School of Economics. His research focuses on scientific methods (particularly causality and scientific reasoning, models, simulations, and thought experiments), business philosophy, science, and values.

So, what exactly is intelligence?

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