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The JKU Celebrates Innovation during the EC²U Makeathon

The EC²U Makeathon in May showcased our students' and faculty members’ creativity and commitment.

Kick-off of the EC2U Pan-European Knowledge Ecosystems; photo credit: JKU
Kick-off of the EC2U Pan-European Knowledge Ecosystems; photo credit: JKU

The events culminated in launching the EC²U Pan-European Knowledge Ecosystem (PEKE), a ground-breaking initiative designed to transform research and innovation across Europe.

Recognizing Excellence: Diana Kho and the SCIENCE BRIDGE Project
Organized largely by our colleagues at the University of Jena as part of EC²U's sister project “Research and Innovation for Cities and Communities (RI4C2)”, the Makeathon brought participants from different European cities and online platforms together for a 24-hour innovation marathon, challenging teams to devise solutions to address local issues while simultaneously applying a sense of creativity, background knowledge, and intercultural awareness as part of their collaboration.
There were a number of outstanding ideas but one project in particular, SCIENCE BRIDGE, stood out. Under the leadership of Diana Kho, she and her team members, Emma Birtoli and Mario Panelli, addressed a challenging issue of the public’s perception that science can be ‘elitist’. Their inventive approach is aimed at opening science up to everyone by giving individuals across different sectors a voice.

JKU Vice-Rector Alberta Bonanni presented team leader Diana Kho with a symbolic certificate to take part in the "Kick-Off to the EC2U Pan-European Knowledge Ecosystem - Unveiling the University of the Future" conference, scheduled to take place in June at the University of Poitiers in France.

The Launch of the EC²U Pan-European Knowledge Ecosystem
An important milestone as part of the RI4C2 project includes launching the EC²U Pan-European Knowledge Ecosystem (PEKE). Funded under the Horizon 2020 Call for European universities, "Science with & for Society" (SwafS), PEKE seeks to enhance the EC²U Alliance’s research and innovation activities. PEKE represents a three-year culmination of joint efforts to consolidate the seven local knowledge ecosystems (comprised of education, research, innovation, and service to society) and unite them on a European level. PEKE is an ambitious project providing the essential resources and strategies to support a common and inclusive research and innovation environment across Europe.

The hybrid event at the University of Poitiers (and online) featured the EC²U Makeathon in which the winning teams presented their projects and provided insight into the future of research and innovation across the EC²U alliance. The JKU is proud to be a part of these transformative initiatives and looks forward to continued success by supporting innovation and collaborative partnerships across Europe.

Click here to learn more about the EC2U.