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The JKU and Linz Beer Proudly Present: The Uni Pilsner

It’s a match between two original institutions in Linz: Light gold, mild, and refreshing - the first Uni Pils by the Johannes Kepler University Linz and Linzer Bier shows just what can happen when science comes together with the art of brewing.

F.l.: Rector Lukas, Raphaela Süss, Christian Paulik, Michael Pötscher, Martin Simion, Klaus Bretterbauer; photo credit: Tom Mesic
F.l.: Rector Lukas, Raphaela Süss, Christian Paulik, Michael Pötscher, Martin Simion, Klaus Bretterbauer; photo credit: Tom Mesic

Developed by and with the JKU scientists and students at the Institute of Chemical Technology of Organic Materials and brewed by brew masters at Linz Beer, the Uni Pils is making its debut, just in time for the start of the semester! Cheers!

As one of the establishing institutes for chemistry at the JKU, the Institute of Chemical Technology of Organic Materials has always focused on applied research. Researchers and students focus on a wide range of organic synthesis in support of industrial significance including, among other things, the beer fermentation process.

Professor Christian Paulik, head of the institute, elaborated: "Traditionally, the Institute of Chemical Technology of Organic Materials has always taught biotechnology. In an effort to convey theory using a more hands-on approach, students began learning how to brew beer. Brewing beer involves a variety of important interdisciplinary and technological steps that combine chemistry, biology, and technology – and with a (hopefully) delicious result."

Assistant Professor Klaus Bretterbauer added: "Together with Martin Simion, the brew master at the Linz brewery, we developed the recipe for the Uni Pils. Faculty members and students brewed it for the first time on a 20-liter scale using a microbrewing system at the Institute for Chemical Technology of Organic Materials. During an internal taste-test session, the beer tasted just as we hoped it would so we began brewing it in larger quantities at the Linz brewery."

JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas was one of the first to taste the Uni Pils and was impressed: "Pils is my favorite beer and with my experience in mind, I can truly say that the Uni Pils tastes great. It's a fantastic example of just how scientific research can be put into practice. I would like to thank all the students and faculty members at the JKU’s Institute of Chemical Technology of Organic Materials and the brew masters at Linzer Bier who have, in turn, realized a great idea with great courage and a pioneering spirit."

Two Original Linz Institutions Partner Up

Michael Pötscher, managing director at the Linz Brewery - and a JKU alumni - is delighted with the brilliant teamwork: "The Linz Uni Pils is a prime example of successful collaboration between two original institutions in Linz. Each has a passion for the local region and mutual cooperation have brought the Linz Brewery and JKU together."

Linzer Bier brew master, Martin Simion, is also pleased: "Together with Christian Paulik’s team, we were able to create an exciting beer for the JKU. We brewed a fine, naturally cloudy Keller Pils that Linz students are sure to enjoy."

Students Were Actively Involved in the Process

A number of students, including Fabian Hofmann, Felix Leibetseder, Raphaela Süss, and Markus Hauder, also helped to create the Uni Pils beer. Doctoral candidate Raphaela Süss remarked, "The Uni Pils is an excellent, palatable pilsner with a nice touch of hops. This beer is very special because all aspects of it are locally sourced. The raw materials are from Upper Austria and the beer was created right here at the JKU in close cooperation with faculty members and students at the Institute of Chemical Technology of Organic Materials together with the Linz brewery. The result is a Uni Pils, a premium beer with true university character."

Fabian Hofmann wrote his undergraduate thesis about the fermentation process, and added: "The Uni Pils symbolizes the way the JKU collaborates successfully with innovative, local, and regional industrial partners. On this note, we would like to invite everyone at the JKU to raise a Uni Pils beer and toast to a successful start of the new academic year!"

Debut during JKU Welcome Week

The Uni Pils will debut during the JKU Welcome Week (October 3-7) where it will be available for purchase by distribution partners, including at the first JKU Astros match (college basketball team) at the JKU. Additional distribution partners will be announced shortly.