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The JKU Circus of Knowledge presents: "Zehn Zeugen sajnen mir gewesn" (We Were Ten Witnesses)

How will we be able to learn about - and remember - the Holocaust once the last living eyewitnesses are gone?

Die Schauspielerin Theresa Martini als Zeitzeugin Inge Ginsberg
Actress Theresa Martini as contemporary witness Inge Ginsberg (working photo)

"Zehn Zeugen sajnen mir gewesn" is a unique production that focuses on this question. Scheduled to premiere at the JKU Circus of Knowledge on February 8 at 7:30 PM, the performance will be followed by a roundtable discussion featuring, among others, Doron Rabinovici. See: jku.at/circus to learn more and sign up to attend.

Circus director Airan Berg remarked: "Over these last few years, some of the world’s last eyewitnesses to the Holocaust are dying of old age. They not only witnessed the horrific events first-hand, they shared their personal accounts and memories with us, giving us a deeper understanding of what transpired and make sure what happened can never be forgotten. Their deaths mean we are losing an important part of history. This makes it all the more important to find new and creative ways to share and recount these moving stories of survival to future generations in a personal and emotional way."

New Formats of Remembrance

"Zehn Zeugen sajnen mir gewesn" takes an artistic approach at addressing the "dwindling numbers" of contemporary eyewitnesses to the Holocaust. How can we convey the emotional dimension of the Holocaust when we can no longer speak with the eyewitnesses? Are video interviews, which are available in large numbers in the archives and online, enough to bridge this gap?

Internationally renowned Israeli director David Maayan, who has already addressed memory culture in various ways through his earlier work in theater, is collaborating with actress Theresa Martini and musician Theresa Aigner to create new formats of remembrance. Actress Theresa Martini transforms herself into contemporary witness, Inge Ginsberg. Theresa Aigner sings and plays songs written by Holocaust survivor Aleksander Kulisiewicz. Ida Kelarová, one of the most important interpreters of Roma songs, performs Holocaust era songs together with her husband, Desiderius Dužda.

Following the Performance: A Round Table Discussion with Doron Rabinovici and Others.

Following the performance on February 8, there will be a discussion with the participating artists, Doron Rabinovici (historian and author), along with experts including Gudrun Blohberger (Mauthausen Memorial), Michael John (historian), and Herta Neiß (JKU, International Auschwitz Committee).


Zehn Zeugen sajnen mir gewesn

Learning about the Holocaust in a time without living eyewitnesses

By David Maayan, Theresa Aigner & Theresa Martini

Featuring: Theresa Aigner, Theresa Martini, Ida Kelarová & Desiderius Dužda

Suitable for ages 13+ (also suitable for school classes!)

Duration: 90 minutes

Dates: Feb. 7 at 10.00 AM/ Feb. 8 at 10.00 AM and at 7:30 PM / Feb. 9 at 10.00 AM/ Feb. 11 at 4.00 PM

Click here, opens an external URL in a new window to view scheduled performances at the JKU’s Circus of Knowledge. Admission to all of the performances and events continues to be free; we thankfully welcome donations to support operations at the Circus of Knowledge. As space is limited, kindly register in advance to attend at: www.jku.at/zirkus-des-wissens, opens an external URL in a new window.