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New Publication: The Duality of Reputation Portability: Investigating the Demand Effect of Imported Ratings Across Online Labor Markets

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Together with Diana Tran Nhat and Timm Teubner (Technical University Berlin), Laura Thäter recently published an article titled "The Duality of Reputation Portability: Investigating the Demand Effect of Imported Ratings Across Online Labor Markets" in the journal Electronic Markets. 

The paper investigates the impact of reputation portability on demand across online labor markets, particularly as to how introducing reputation portability affects the demand for workers and influences imported ratings on the demand. The findings suggest that while imported ratings stimulate demand, their effect is lower compared to on-site ratings, raising concerns about potential unintended consequences, particularly favoring workers who have high rating volumes.

The article, opens an external URL in a new window is part of a special issue about social welfare computing and is openly available (open access).