Do you actively volunteer in addition to your studies?
Your volunteering activities with emergency/rescue/parademic services or as a volunteer firefighter can earn you 4 ECTS credits to count towards fulfilling autonomous coursework requirements in your curriculum.
The JKU strongly believes in recognizing its students' volunteering activities, particularly in times when faced with major social challenges. Volunteering is an important part of building community and a sense of solidarity with others. If you volunteer with emergency/rescue/paramedic services or volunteer at a fire department, you can earn 4 ECTS credits to count toward fulfilling autonomous coursework requirements as outlined in your curriculum.
In order to receive the academic credit, you must meet the following prerequisites and/or provide the requested confirmation/verification.
Course Information
Sign up via KUSSS
You can earn 4 ECTS credits for your volunteer work!
Emergency/Rescue/Paramedic Services
- Confirmation in writing by the person responsible confirming a minimum of 100 hours of volunteer service (since enrolling at the university) which were not performed as part of a training course or alternative national service (=Zivildienst)
- A copy of your paramedic certification
- Confirmation issued in writing by the commander confirming a minimum of 100 hours of volunteer service (since enrolling at the university) which were not performed as part of a training course or alternative national service (=Zivildienst)
- A copy of your fire department pass, or excerpt from syBOS, confirming that you have completed a minimum of at least one continual training/education course in the field of firefighting service and operations
STEP 1: Meet the prerequisites.
Once you have logged 100 volunteer hours in your core activity since enrolling at the university (emergency/rescue/paramedic services or with a volunteer fire department), have a person in charge or the commander confirm the hours.
Time spent as part of a training program or completing mandatory alternative national service do not count. Volunteer activities aside from core activities - such as working with kids & teens or other activities of this kind - are not eligible for academic credit for this course.
STEP 2: Sign up in KUSSS.
If you meet the prerequisites and have all of the required documents:
- Confirmation of having logged 100 volunteer hours and
- Emergency/rescue/paramedic services: Copy of your paramedic certificate, and/or
- Volunteer fire department: copy of fire department pass or excerpt from syBOS,
then you can sign up for Course No. 510.060 Freiwilligkeit - Ehrenamt in KUSSS.
STEP 3: Upload documents in Moodle
In order to get the 4 ECTS credits, please upload the documents and/or certificates in the corresponding Moodle course.
Students can earn academic credit for core activities in emergency/rescue/paramedic services and/or volunteer work with a fire department as part of the course "Freiwilligkeit – Ehrenamt" (=“Volunteering - Voluntary Work”).
Students can earn academic credit for volunteer activities aside from core activities - such as social work and working with kids & teens, organizing charity events, helping with a "meals on wheels" program, home-visit services, etc - as part of the course "Freiwilligenarbeit im Sozialbereich – Lernen.Engagement.Verantwortung. (L.E.V.)" (=“Volunteering in the Social Sector - Learning.Commitment.Responsibility. [L.C.V.]”).