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Insights from Research

Laura Thäter on her research on how to improve working conditions for platform workers

The platform economy has revolutionized the business world over the last decade by reshaping value chains, creating innovative business models, and fundamentally changing how work is organized. 

Digital platforms - such as Uber, Fiverr, and UpWork - offer people flexible work opportunities and connect supply and demand as never before. However, this transformation often comes at the expense of working conditions and job security.

Platform workers, including content moderators, are often subjected to exploitative practices in which they must navigate insecure positions and stringent algorithmic management methods that prioritize efficiency over their personal well-being. These workers face high workloads, psychological stress from constant exposure to disturbing content, and low pay.

In response to these challenges, various counter-movements are emerging and advocating for better working conditions and greater rights for platform workers in general. These movements take the form of both top-down and bottom-up initiatives, each playing a crucial role in addressing the precarity of platform work.

Top-down approaches primarily involve policy changes and legal actions aimed at improving labor conditions for platform workers. For example, California’s AB5 law was introduced to reclassify many gig workers, including rideshare drivers, as employees rather than independent contractors, granting them access to employee benefits (although the companies seek to push back)., opens an external URL in a new window Similarly, the European Union is considering policies to ensure fair wages and working conditions for platform workers across member states, aiming to harmonize labor standards and provide greater protection.

Unions also play a critical role in top-down approaches. In various countries, e.g. Germany and the Scandinavian Countries, unions support initiatives for the fair treatment and transparency of platform workers. This union involvement provides legal backing and resources to sustain worker movements, highlighting the importance of collective bargaining in achieving systemic change. For example, in 2020, the Austrian food delivery industry was among the first to introduce a collective agreement as a result of pressure from the Austrian union vida., opens an external URL in a new window The collective agreement applies to all platforms in the food delivery industries and obliges them to adhere to a minimum hourly payment as well as a vacation and christmas bonus. Another example is the Code of Conduct initiative, a collaborative effort between the trade union IG Metall, eight German digital labor platforms, and their industry association, to establish principles for good platform work. Participating platforms commit to these principles, and the initiative includes an ombuds office, opens an external URL in a new window where workers can seek recourse for unfair treatment or violations. This ensures accountability and enforcement of the rules for affiliated workers. 

On the other hand, bottom-up movements are driven by the workers themselves. Grassroots efforts include organizing strikes, forming worker associations, and leveraging social media to raise awareness and demand better treatment. For instance, food delivery riders from companies like Deliveroo and Uber Eats have organized strikes in various cities (e.g. Berlin), protesting against unfair wages and working conditions. These spontaneous actions demonstrate the collective power of workers and their determination to push for change.


Do you want to help?

One organization dedicated to advocating for content moderators specifically is Foxglove, a UK-based non-profit. Foxglove works to give a voice to content moderators and other tech workers, highlighting the often-hidden labor that goes into maintaining digital platforms. The organization campaigns for better working conditions, fair pay, and recognition of the critical role that content moderators play in the digital ecosystem. By providing legal support and raising public awareness, Foxglove aims to challenge the tech giants and ensure that content moderators receive the respect and protections they deserve.

To support content moderators and contribute to this cause, you can donate to Foxglove. Your contributions will help Foxglove continue its vital work in advocating for better conditions and rights for content moderators: https://www.foxglove.org.uk/donate/, opens an external URL in a new window 


About the research

Laura Thäter conducts research on the working conditions of platform workers. One of her recent articles examines various strategies of how workers can make their voice heard to improve their working conditions, opens an external URL in a new window.