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The Sustainable Transformation Management Lab

We understand technologies as the tangible - or intangible - artifacts at the core of countless human activities, such as manufacturing, providing services. and communications. These technologies are imbedded in social systems (norms, values, beliefs and interests) and determine the way we create and use them. The Professor of Socio-Technical Transitions is conducting research on transformation (meaning, change) related to technologies as outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. 

What are we working on? 

In considering technology as intertwined with social aspects, we are focusing on two areas of socio-technical transitions: 

  • We are studying sustainable transition, meaning an in-depth look at organizational processes and managing change. While we understand that society is facing multiple challenges, there are also many (technology-based) solutions at our disposal. So, why is change so difficult? The current rules of the game result in resisting change. How do we overcome that sense of resistance? We are, for example, investigating how different sectors of society (public administration, civil society, and the private sector) can engage in open social innovation to address social issues together. We need to find common ground to work towards finding solutions, especially given the urgency and complexity of these major challenges. 
  • Digital technologies are increasingly impacting all aspects of our social and economic lives and we aim to explore the field of digital transition. We will look at just how people use, employ, and experience digital technologies. In order to answer these questions, we will examine new forms of organization (such as digital platforms), digitally-augmented entrepreneurship (including start-up companies that rely on crowdfunding), strategic development (corporate blogs created to inform external stakeholders), and innovation (companies willing to open up their innovation process to apply ideas provided by external stakeholders). 

How do we work?

We firmly believe in the potential of productive synergy between research, education and engaging in academia and science. Our research findings are published in international journals and we are creating an environment in which our students to achieve excellence. We work proactively with the stakeholders that drive change (such as companies, non-governmental organizations, foundations, think-tanks, governments). We also actively participate in public conversations to understand and shape the transformations we face on a daily basis.

Where are we located? 

We are located in the Open Innovation Center (OIC) at the Linz Institute of Technology (LIT) at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. The LIT and OIC brings experts in research and real-world practices together. As an interdisciplinary melting pot, the OIC’s international environment speaks to the spirit of what we are committed to achieving.



Sustainable Transformation Management Lab


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz

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Research Award for Research Impact in Digital Innovation


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Socio-technical transitions

News & Events

News 21.05.2024

JKU Best Practice Teaching Award for Thomas Gegenhuber and Laura Thäter.

The JKU annually awards the 'Kepler Awards for Excellence in Teaching' to recognize innovation in and implementation of excellent teaching. As part of this, Thomas Gegenhuber and Laura Thäter were honored with their course 'KS Fundamentals of Integrated Management' in the 'Best Practice' category.

News 10.04.2024

Socio-Ecological Challenges and the Volkshilfe of Upper Austria's Contributions

The Volkshilfe has been a pivotal institution in Austria's socio-political landscape for decades, providing people with support during difficult times and in particularly vulnerable life circumstances. Faced with an ever more apparent increase in inequality as a result of the climate crisis, the Volkshilfe is now turning its attention to socio-ecological issues.

News 09.04.2024

New Publication: The Duality of Reputation Portability: Investigating the Demand Effect of Imported Ratings Across Online Labor Markets

Together with Diana Tran Nhat and Timm Teubner (Technical University Berlin), Laura Thäter recently published an article titled "The Duality of Reputation Portability: Investigating the Demand Effect of Imported Ratings Across Online Labor Markets" in the journal Electronic Markets. 

The paper investigates the impact of reputation portability on demand across online labor markets, particularly as to how introducing reputation portability affects the demand for workers and influences imported ratings on the demand. The findings suggest that while imported ratings stimulate demand, their effect is lower compared to on-site ratings, raising concerns about potential unintended consequences, particularly favoring workers who have high rating volumes.

The article is part of a special issue about social welfare computing and is openly available (open access).

Titel der Publikation auf blauem Hintergrund
News 13.10.2022

New Research Published: Digital Transformation and Institutional Theory

Together with Danielle Logue (Associate professor at the University of Technology Sydney in innovation, entrepreneurship, and management) and C.R. Hinings (Professor Emeritus at the University of Alberta, Senior Research Mentor at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary, Fellow of Cambridge Digital innovation and Honorary Research Fellow at the Judge School of Business, University of Cambridge), and Michael Barrett (Professor of Information Systems and Innovation Studies at the Judge Business School in Cambridge), Prof. Thomas Gegenhuber edited a Volume for Research in the Sociology of Organizations.  The editors asked what kind of rethinking of institutional processes is needed in relation to digital transformation. Based on this, they established a forum to enrich and advance institutional theoretical approaches to understanding digital transformation.

The introduction is temporarily freely available.

For the entire volume see: Digital Transformation and Institutional Theory