We put our students at the heart of our educational and mentoring efforts.
Our approach not only involves encouraging and challenging our students, but also giving them every opportunity to pursue their own individual interests. As research-based educators, we are committed to helping students understand more complex phenomena and acquire hands-on skills. As a result, our classroom instruction embraces principles that include engaging students in reading complex materials, designing interactive and stimulating content, offering feedback, learning through trial-and-error, as well as taking advantage of synergies across education, professional practice, and research. We also strive to create and pilot new instructional formats and teaching practices.

Students appreciate and acknowledge our approach. Prof. Gegenhuber has been presented with two educational teaching awards by the Faculty of Economics at Leuphana University, and has also received three student nominations for Leuphana-wide teaching awards. Thomas Gegenhuber also received the Aspen Institute’s, opens an external URL in a new window Ideas Worth Teaching Award for his role in a program titled "Organizing in Times of Crisis: The Case of Covid19" by Prof. Leonhard Dobusch (University of Innsbruck) and Prof. Elke Schüßler (JKU Linz).
We currently teach courses as part of the following academic degree programs:
- Master’s degree program “Leading Innovative Organisations (LIO)”
- Bachelor's degree program “Business Administration” (focus on Sustainable Management Major/Minor)