The Johannes Kepler University has always been known for more than just engineering and has a reputation for tradition, technological creativity and accomplishment.
The Linz Institute of Technology, or simply LIT for short, brings these ideals together, becoming the place where tradition meets the future. Researchers from different departments and across faculties in the field of technology and engineering can come together and connect here. Many internationally active companies are involved, providing their support as cooperation partners in order to drive research of tomorrow.
Teaching and research go hand-in-hand at LIT. JKU scientists conduct cutting-edge research and pass their expertise on to the next generation. Students "learn by doing" and are actively involved in conducting 'the research of tomorrow'. All subject areas and departments at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences work together here.
Linz Institute
of Technology
LIT Office
Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz, Austria
Doris Schmidauer Presents her Book, “Land der Töchter zukunftsreich”
Book presentation in Linz on March 19, 2025
Teaching Transformation: Strategies for Creating Impactful Lerning Experiences
Workshop series for lecturers & PhD-students

AI Made in Austria: The JKU-Led FWF Cluster “Bilateral AI” Launches
Under the leadership of the JKU and AI pioneer Sepp Hochreiter, leading AI researchers from across Austria will be involved in the Austrian Science Fund's “Bilateral AI” cluster.

Democratic Teaching Konferenz der Central European University (Budapest / Vienna)
From 6 to 7 February 2025, Katharina Musil (Institute for Leadership and Change Management, JKU), Michaela Großschädl (TRANSFORM project, JKU) and Sabine Freudhofmayer (Ph Vienna) took part in the Democratic Teaching Conference at the Central European University in Vienna.
AI for creative industries.
AI Guide for Creatives from Upper Austria and South Bohemia: Workshop & Networking.
Learning How to Teach More Effectively: Improving Instruction Skills Using Didactic Methods
How can you teach more effectively? Learn more about principles and methods in higher education didactics.
OIC Onboarding
An ideal way to welcome new members to the LIT Open Innovation Center. There are two sessions per month.