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Linz Institute of Technology (LIT).

The Johannes Kepler University has always been known for more than just engineering and has a reputation for tradition, technological creativity and accomplishment.

The Linz Institute of Technology, or simply LIT for short, brings these ideals together, becoming the place where tradition meets the future. Researchers from different departments and across faculties in the field of technology and engineering can come together and connect here. Many internationally active companies are involved, providing their support as cooperation partners in order to drive research of tomorrow.

Teaching and research go hand-in-hand at LIT. JKU scientists conduct cutting-edge research and pass their expertise on to the next generation. Students "learn by doing" and are actively involved in conducting 'the research of tomorrow'. All subject areas and departments at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences work together here.

Linz Institute
of Technology

LIT Office


Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz, Austria




News 26.03.2024

The Start-Up Teams for the 2024 Danube Cup have been Selected: The Winners of the JKU Pre-Selection Process!

This year's pre-selection competition for the 2024 Danube Cup took place at the LIT Open Innovation Center on March 20, 2024. Four JKU start-up teams took part in order to qualify for the pitching competition in May. Under the direction of Univ. Prof. Dr. Elisabeth S.C. Berger, the pre-selection competition took place as part of the course, "Innovation & Entrepreneurship".

News 27.06.2024

Inaugural Lectures: Introducing New Professors at the JKU

New professors at the LIT and the School of Education (SoE) held their inaugural lectures at the JKU in June.

F.l.: Hohenwarter, Pitzl-Hagin, Ivanjek, Janko; photo credit: JKU
News 21.06.2024

LIFT_C's Successful Summer Get-Together

The Linz Institute for Transformative Change organized a fascinating combination of presentations and discussions.

Celebratring Communities; Credit: JKU
News 21.06.2024

Stefan Puttinger and Michael Vierhauser Presented with Their Venia Docendi/Habilitation Certificate

Vice-Rector Alberta Bonanni presented both scholars with their Venia Docendi/Habilitation certificate.


Event 20.03.2024

Info-Event: Special LIT Call Ars Electronica Festival

Get to know more abour the call!

Event 14.05.2024

Presentation "Digital Literacy for Stronger Democracies"

We are inundated with an overwhelming barrage of information, day in and day out. Fake news, conspiracy myths, the targeted dissemination of misinformation, and manipulating images make media literacy education more important than ever before. The ubiquity of media and technology demands more than just basic literacy skills.

Event 20.03.2024

The 2024 Danube Cup National Pre-Selection

The JKU is hosting this year's prestigious Danube Cup Pitching Competition at the LIT Open Innovation Center. Following a national pre-selection procedure, each of the eight partner universities in the Danube Cup network will be sending two student start-up teams to Linz to battle it out for the coveted trophy.