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Digi Tea(m) Time
May 27, 2021

Digi Tea(m)Time

Time Topic Speaker
4:00 pm Opening Remarks and Updated information Zoltan Major 
4:05 pm The Digital Learning Factory 4.0 - An overview of the learning nuggets and how training can digitalize around the topics of productivity, efficiency and economic considerations in production. Peter Novotny - FESTO DiDactic
4:35 pm Q&A Session Zoltan Major
4:45 pm Machine concepts with wireless operation Ronald Roither - Sigmatek Österreich
5:15 pm Q&A Session -
5:25 pm Digitization in measurement technology Gerald Zorn - Westcam
5:55 pm Miscellaneous -
6:00  pm Networking -


Join Zoom Meeting
https://jku.zoom.us/j/96962597662?pwd=ZnhVZDdvNi8rY2xvZWN4RFBvUHE4QT09, opens an external URL in a new window

Meeting-ID: 969 6259 7662
Password: 387707


Time & date

May 27, 2021

16:00 - 19:00 PM

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LIT Factory, factory@jku.at, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz