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G’sungen, g’rappt & g’stanzlt: What you should definitely know about artificial intelligence

FRIDAY, September 6, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
at Ars Electronica Center Linz, Deep Space 8K

An entertaining combination of music and expert discussions about artificial intelligence from a social perspective. After all, AI concerns all of us, whether we are interested in technology or not!

What is AI? How do I identify an AI system? Why is AI, as a supposedly objective technology, so strongly influenced by humans? How much energy do I consume when I let ChatGPT & Co help me with creating text and images? And why should I even care about any of this?


Musical Performance

A Liadl, ans üwa KI
Live: Blonder Engel

Hi, AI (134 TWh)
by Yasmo featuring Flip

G’stanzln - Singing Against a Patriarchal AI
by Dominika Meindl and Martina Mara
Live performance together with Sabine T. Köszegi, Julia Zukrigl (Women in AI), Silke Grabinger
and musical support by HP Falkner

Expert Talks

Doris Schmidauer, Initiative Digitalisierung Chancengerecht

AI Knowledge in Austria
Ulrike Domany-Funtan, General Secretary of the fit4internet (Association for the development of digital competences in Austria)

AI & Climate: AI's Energy Consumption
Ivona Brandic, Professor of High Performance Computing Systems, TU Vienna

AI & Gender: Gender inequalities in the AI sector
Sabine Köszegi, Professor of Labour Science and Organisation, TU Vienna & IDC member

Scientific Projects “How to Explain AI” & “Songs About AI”
Promoting a better understanding of AI through music: Research conducted at the LIT Robopsychology Lab

Kathrin Meyer, Senior Scientist at the LIT Robopsychology Lab


Martina Mara, head of the LIT Robopsychology Lab

Live Visualization at Deep Space 8K
Matthias Fritz and Markus Dorninger using Tagtool, OMAi Office for Media and Arts International


A performance by the LIT Robopsychology Lab in partnership with Digitalisierung Chancengerecht initiative as part of the 2024 Ars Electronica Festival


Time & date

September 06, 2024

16:00 - 17:30 PM

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Deep Space 8K, Ars Electronica Center Linz


LIT Robopsychology Lab

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