Digitalisation and routine jobs: Unemployment experience and job search
Routinisation of occupations can destroy many jobs. We use comprehensive Austrian register data – covering the universe of jobs – to look at the impact of routinisation on careers of unemployed workers.
Our study will first look at unemployment duration of workers in highly routinisable jobs and possibilities the employment office has in terms of retraining to ameliorate theses problems. The next paper looks at changes in matching of workers and vacancies due to routinisation by looking at long-term outcomes and changes in the matching process. The third paper is using international data to look at the impact of routinisation on working conditions. This chapter adds an additional novelty to introduce instrumental variables techniques to determine the threat of routinisation.
Project Details
Seed Project
Project Manager
Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
Univ. Prof. Dr.Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
Univ. Prof. Dr. Rudolf Winter-Ebmer is Professor for Labor Economics at the Johannes Kepler University of Linz and Research Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna. He is also affiliated with the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London and the Institute for the Future of Labor (IZA) in Bonn. His research interest is applied labor economics, in particular issues of ageing, immigration, wage determination, unemployment, discrimination and education economics. Moreover, he is interested in Empirical Industrial Organisation. Since 2002 he is the Austrian country team leader for the “Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe” (SHARE). He led a National Research Network “The Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare State”, and is now co-chair of a Christian-Doppler Laboratory “Ageing, Health and the Labor Market”. Member of the German Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina).