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LIT Artificial Intelligence Lab

Our three pillars are Machine Learning, Logical Reasoning, and Computational Perception

Managed by Prof. Sepp Hochreiter, the LIT AI Lab was created as a permanent research center at the Linz Institute of Technology (LIT). The unique environment at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz is an opportunity for the LIT AI Lab to pool the JKU’s world-class expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) to shape and advance AI research and its industrial applications.

The LIT Lab is committed to scientific excellence. We focus on theoretical and experimental research in machine learning, logical reasoning, and computational perception. We are educating the next generation of AI researchers and engineers in AI technology at various academic levels.


 “Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the part of computer science concerned with designing intelligent computer systems, that is, systems that exhibit characteristics we associate with intelligence in human behaviour – understanding language, learning,  reasoning, solving problems, and so on.”
(Barr & Feigenbaum, 1981)



Computer Science Building, Room S0309


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz/Austria


+43 732 2468 9390


News & Events

News 21.05.2024

JKU Best Practice Teaching Award for Thomas Gegenhuber and Laura Thäter.

The JKU annually awards the 'Kepler Awards for Excellence in Teaching' to recognize innovation in and implementation of excellent teaching. As part of this, Thomas Gegenhuber and Laura Thäter were honored with their course 'KS Fundamentals of Integrated Management' in the 'Best Practice' category.

Event 14.05.2024

Presentation "Digital Literacy for Stronger Democracies"

We are inundated with an overwhelming barrage of information, day in and day out. Fake news, conspiracy myths, the targeted dissemination of misinformation, and manipulating images make media literacy education more important than ever before. The ubiquity of media and technology demands more than just basic literacy skills.

Presentation Flyer: Digital Literacy
News 10.04.2024

Socio-Ecological Challenges and the Volkshilfe of Upper Austria's Contributions

The Volkshilfe has been a pivotal institution in Austria's socio-political landscape for decades, providing people with support during difficult times and in particularly vulnerable life circumstances. Faced with an ever more apparent increase in inequality as a result of the climate crisis, the Volkshilfe is now turning its attention to socio-ecological issues.

News 09.04.2024

New Publication: The Duality of Reputation Portability: Investigating the Demand Effect of Imported Ratings Across Online Labor Markets

Together with Diana Tran Nhat and Timm Teubner (Technical University Berlin), Laura Thäter recently published an article titled "The Duality of Reputation Portability: Investigating the Demand Effect of Imported Ratings Across Online Labor Markets" in the journal Electronic Markets. 

The paper investigates the impact of reputation portability on demand across online labor markets, particularly as to how introducing reputation portability affects the demand for workers and influences imported ratings on the demand. The findings suggest that while imported ratings stimulate demand, their effect is lower compared to on-site ratings, raising concerns about potential unintended consequences, particularly favoring workers who have high rating volumes.

The article is part of a special issue about social welfare computing and is openly available (open access).