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LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab.

Welcome to the LIT | CPS Lab!

More with less — how do we master the increasing complexity of production systems?

Industry faces major challenges as product lifecycles shorten, product variability increases, and global markets become more volatile. To remain competitive, production facilities and equipment must be adaptable to respond quickly and efficiently to these changes.

A key success factor in achieving these goals is the control and automation infrastructure. New distributed architectures are a possible approach to address these requirements. New interaction and communication patterns as well as new ways of programming automation systems consisting of networked control units are required.

Mastering variability and complexity in cyber-physical production systems also requires new software engineering methods and tools, particularly for variability modeling and product configuration as well as to support maintenance and evolution.



Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz


LIT Open Innovation Center Ground Floor


+43 732 2468 9494




Christian Doppler Laboratory for Variability in CPPS



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News 02.07.2024

LIT CPS Lab: Young Researcher Award

We are delighted that two current and one former member of our institute have been awarded the JKU Young Researchers' Award. With this award, Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) honors significant academic and scientific achievements of JKU doctoral students.

Voices of the Awardees

Kevin Feichtinger, formerly a doctoral student at the LIT CPS Lab and now a postdoc at KIT, says: "It feels great to have years of work recognized. Receiving a JKU-wide award is something special that one does not forget quickly.” When asked what advice he would give to other young researchers, he says, “During the PhD and even afterwards, there will always be ups and downs. It’s important not only to celebrate the big successes (like the acceptance of a paper) but also to remember the small victories (like positive feedback on an idea)."

Lisa Sonnleithner, now a postdoc at our institute, shares her experiences during her doctoral studies: “I appreciate being involved in various projects and implementing my own ideas. The PhD offered me many opportunities to do so. I am happy that this intensive work has now also been awarded.”

Bianca Wiesmayr, also a postdoc at our institute, emphasizes the importance of collaboration: "This success would not have been possible alone. It is the result of a great team, a supportive environment, and valuable international collaborations."

Voices of the PhD Supervisors

"I am very proud of the achievements of our graduates. The fact that three Young Researcher Awards went to the LIT CPS Lab highlights our successful research work," says Rick Rabiser.

Alois Zoitl adds: "We are happy that they were able to complete their doctoral studies so successfully. We also welcome new doctoral students to our team. We offer many opportunities to contribute new perspectives and fresh ideas."

Are you interested in joining our team? Get an overview of our research areas and send us an email: https://www.jku.at/en/lit-cyber-physical-systems-lab/research/research-topics/

We would like to thank Fabasoft, Raiffeisen, Saxinger, and Voestalpine Stahl for sponsoring the award.

News 23.05.2024

Success for JKU/Dynatrace Co-Innovation Lab: Best Industry Paper Award

Panta rhei. This idea, which can be translated from Ancient Greek as "Everything flows," is attributed to the philosopher Heraclitus. What do you associate with it? If we were to ask our post-doc Sören Henning about it, the answer might be different than expected: Data streams.

At the beginning of May, Sören presented his paper "ShuffleBench: A Benchmark for Large-Scale Data Shuffling Operations with Distributed Stream Processing Frameworks" at the International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) in London. Together with co-author Adriano Vogel and three other colleagues, he worked on this paper. The intensive work paid off: the paper was awarded as the best industry paper. "I am very happy that the need for research in this field has been recognized by the performance engineering community and that our work has been so positively received," says Sören.

With ShuffleBench, they introduced a new benchmark for evaluating distributed stream processing frameworks. These frameworks are essential for efficiently processing large amounts of continuous data streams. Unlike existing benchmarks, ShuffleBench focuses on scenarios where these frameworks redistribute data records for analysis, rather than the analysis itself. Adriano adds: "We are currently using and expanding ShuffleBench to provide the community with further quantitative insights, especially with regard to fault tolerance and performance optimizations in stream processing."
Want to learn more? Read the paper here: https://doi.org/10.1145/3629526.3645036.

Sören and Adriano are both part of a jointly funded research project between Johannes Kepler University and Dynatrace Austria. This collaboration aims to explore current topics in computer science, particularly in the areas of software engineering, artificial intelligence, and data science. "The goal is to build a bridge between industry and academia and to advance innovative research together," explains Rick Rabiser. The success of this collaboration is evident. "I am very proud of the achievements of our JKU/Dynatrace Co-Innovation Lab," concludes Rick, happy about another award for his team.

News 11.03.2024

Software Engineering 2024 at JKU: a conference and four perspectives on it

At the end of February, the Software Engineering Conference 2024 (SE24) took place at the JKU campus - the annual symposium of the Software Engineering area of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI). The LIT Cyber-Physical Systems Lab and the Institute for Business Informatics - Software Engineering organized the event (General Chairs: Prof. Rick Rabiser und Prof. Manuel Wimmer).

A total of 50 talks were accepted and held for the main program. In addition to the exciting tracks such as the Student Research Competition, the Industry Program, and the Ernst Denert Software Engineering Prize, five workshops and one meetup on various topics were held as well as a panel of Research Software Engineering. Please find details about the program here: https://se2024.se.jku.at/detailprogramm/.

Also, three interesting keynotes were given:

Janet Siegmund is Professor of Software Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology. On Wednesday, she presented her keynote titled  "New Perspectives on the Human Factor in Software Engineering", in which she emphasized the importance of the human factor and the insights gained from research in this area.

Bernd Greifeneder is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Dynatrace. He presented the keynote "How Dynatrace innovates at scale" on Thursday. Dynatrace has established itself as a pioneer in the application of AI for observability and security. Greifeneder shared insights on how the company has scaled and innovated and how collaboration with research talent from the university has opened up new opportunities.

Hermann Sikora is Chairman of the Management Board of Raiffeisen Software GmbH and Spokesman of the Management Board of RAITEC GmbH. He presented the keynote "Are we ready for the Software Factory?" on Friday. He discussed the evolution of software development, the importance of programming-in-the-large and the potential impact of generative AI on software engineering on an industrial scale.

You can find more details about the keynotes on the SE24 website: https://se2024.se.jku.at/keynotes/

You did not attend the conference and want more information? No problem, we have compiled a review from four perspectives for you:

From the perspective of a General Chair 

"I was surprised by the number of registrations we ultimately received. We had expected 200, but there were over 280, with over 120 from Austria and over a quarter from industry. This demonstrates the broad interest in Software Engineering. Not despite, but precisely because of the current developments in the field of AI, Software Engineering (with and for AI) is becoming increasingly important," Rick rejoices over a successful conference.

From the perspective of a speaker 

Shubham Sharma presented his paper titled "Modularization Guidelines to Support Control Software Variability in IEC 61499" at one of the workshops. "The discussion after my presentation was insightful as new impulses were given. For example, the question was raised regarding which aspects of the presented guidelines could be automated and presented in a future paper," says Shubham.

From the perspective of a conference guest

"I particularly liked the combination of workshops, community work, and a regular conference with presentations. I also found it exciting that various scientific works were highlighted and ultimately awarded in two competitions," summarizes Sven Mehlhop his impressions. Sven is a doctoral student at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Oldenburg and attended the SE for the first time this year.

From the perspective of a Student Volunteer 

A total of 28 student volunteers contributed to the success of the conference. Anna-Lena Hager was one of them. As part of the technical team, she spent her time at the "Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen" (SEUH) conference collocated with SE. SEUH has been a forum in the German-speaking area for many years, where scholars present, discuss, and collectively improve the quality of teaching by sharing their successes, failures, and experiences in Software Engineering education. "At the end of the event, we student volunteers were invited to a panel discussion. The organizers emphasized that they particularly appreciate criticism. It was an interesting discussion - especially the topic of AI was extensively discussed," Anna-Lena says.

News 29.06.2021

A week of publication successes.

Upcoming publications of the LIT CPS Lab