On April 9, Vice-Rector Elgin Drda presented Prim. Priv. Doz. Dr. Clemens Steinwender with his Venia Docendi/Habilitation certificate.

Primar Steinwender is the head of the Department of Internal Medicine I - Cardiology and Internal Intensive Care Medicine at Kepler University Hospital, and head of the Department for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases at the JKU. Prim. Priv. Doz. Steinwender has been involved in education for many years and is an active supporter of the university’s fairly young Faculty of Medicine. His habilitation/post-doc dissertation is titled "Medikamentöse und interventionelle Therapie von Vorhofsarrhythmien".
Those pursuing a habilitation/post-doc undergo an academic evaluation in regard to special qualifications that proves their ability to independently conduct academic/scientific research and teach the entire depth and breadth of their selected subject area [facultas docendi], This, in turn, is the prerequisite to grant authorization to teach that particular subject area.