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Cäcilia Innreiter-Moser Presented with the Women's Advancement Award

The former JKU associate professor was recognized for her commitment, dedication, and involvement in supporting gender equality.

Innreiter-Moser (middle) at the awards ceremony; photo credit: personal
Innreiter-Moser (middle) at the awards ceremony; photo credit: personal

A total of 43 projects were submitted in the race for the second annual Upper Austrian Women's Advancement Award "StarkeFrauen.StarkesLand" (Strong Women, Strong Country). Cäcilia Innreiter-Moser, an assistant professor at the JKU’s Institute for Organization Sciences up until fall 2022, was among those honored for her committed to gender equality and the advancement of women, whether at the university itself, in an honorary capacity or on a personal level. Much has happened as a result of her commitment as a university instructor and researcher in the field of organization, gender & diversity. She has always been interested in revealing patterns and rendering structures visible in an effort to identify starting points to support change. She has been impressively successful as a coach/trainer (for example, in the Association for Women and Qualification), co-creating plans to support the advancement of women, and her commitment to projects such as "Equal - Youth Entry" focusing on gender mainstreaming and integrating young people who have disabilities. She has also created the MBA "Management and Leadership for Women" program, an internationally unique university degree program.

Dr. Innreiter-Moser remarked: "This award presented by the state of Upper Austria means a lot to me. This is wonderful recognition and appreciation of my decades of - often voluntary - work. I am very happy!" She praised the JKU's involvement: "With regard to the status of gender equality at the JKU, I would like to point out that when it comes to certain policies and initiatives, we are taking a pioneering role." Her personal wish: "Naturally, we need more resources to ensure our colleagues’ valuable work is even more effective and highly visible."