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Record Number of 1,056 Applicants Take the Medical School Admissions Test

The new Medical Engineering program offered as an alternative.

Record numbers of prospective students continue to compete for one of 180 spots in the medical degree program offered at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. 1,316 prospective students signed up for today's medical school admissions test and 1,056 prospective students actually showed up to take the test. Gifted students who do not receive a spot in the medical degree program are also being encouraged to consider enrolling in the JKU's new Medical Engineering program. Students can pursue their interest in medicine without having to pass an admissions examination.

The selection procedure is competitive as far more prospective students take the medical admissions examination than there are spots available in Austria’s medical degree programs. Those who pass the examination can enroll in the Bachelor-Master’s medical degree program in Linz - which is unique in Austria - and practice medicine at Austria's second-largest teaching hospital.

JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas remarked: "Medicine is no longer limited to being a physician. Medical technology is developing rapidly and setting trends. Over the past few years, doctors have been given modern tools to make enormous advancements in medical treatment - be it oncology, psychotherapy or another field of medicine.

New Medical Engineering Degree Program

Many of the prospective applicants who are not accepted to the medical degree program are highly motivated and gifted. Rector Lukas added, “We therefore want to offer an alternative program that has no admission restrictions. Medicine is much more than becoming a physician, on the contrary. Medical engineering is a rapidly developing, incredibly dynamic field.” This is why, starting in the fall, the JKU will also offer a degree program in Medical Engineering. Technological expertise and basic foundations in human medicine create a symbiosis combining engineering principles with the field of medicine.

Rector Lukas emphasized: "The JKU is predestined for a pioneering role in this field as the university focuses strongly on engineering and technology.” Medical mechatronics researchers at the JKU have recently presented new, improved and more reliable prostheses sensors that patients can better control using their thoughts. Under the motto "Healing through the Art of Engineering in Linz", technical approaches will be used to support the recognition, prevention, monitoring, treatment and alleviation of diseases. Another interesting aspect is that students enrolled in the Medical Engineering program can have credits from medical classes in the program transferred to the medical degree program. This is an advantage for those who wish to try and pass the medical admissions examination next year.