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LIT Robopsychology Lab
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Welcome to the LIT Robopsychology Lab!

The LIT Robopsychology Lab combines methods and expertise of psychology with current issues pertaining to artificial intelligence and robotics.

When it comes to research in psychology, human experience, perception, and behaviour are core subjects. On this basis, robotic psychology focuses on how humans experience intelligent machines, how they behave towards these intelligent machines, and how the needs of different groups of people can be taken into account when it comes to technology development.

Established in 2018, the JKU Robopsychology Lab at the Linz Institute of Technology currently conducts research under the direction of Prof. Martina Mara and focuses on, among other things, the following topics:

  • Why do machines that seem too human come across as "uncanny" to us and in what context is this truly the case?
  • Just how do people and robots interact in the workplace and what does it take to create trust?
  • How does an intelligent machine's comprehensibility and predictability relate to its users' sense of control and safety?
  • What effect do synthetic voices, such as Alexa and Siri, bring about and how important is it to be able to distinguish between human speakers and machine speakers?




Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
4040 Linz


Open Innovation Center


+43 732 2468 9446 9511

Research Abstrakte Illustration eines Industrieroboterarms, der ein kleines Objekt an eine Person übergibt

Current Research Topics of the LIT Robopsychology Lab

About Prof. Mara Martina Mara and the robot Manoi PF01

Prof. Martina Mara


Methodical Approaches at the LIT Robopsychology Lab



Current Projects

CoBot Studio, ExoBility, How to Explain AI, DigitalWerk, ...

Me and the Machines Blick in den Ausstellungsbereich: Im Vordergrund ist ein orangener Industrieroboterarm in einer Glasvitrine zu sehen, im Hintergrund eine kleine Insel mit Moos und Zweigen.

Exhibition area at the Ars Electronica Center

News & Events

News 04.06.2024

New colleague wanted!

The LIT Robopsychology Lab is looking for a secretary for 20 hours per week. Who would like to join our team?

News 08.05.2024

The AI Song at the Main Square in Linz.

TUESDAY, May 21, to FRIDAY, May 31, 2024, at the Pop-Up Store (Innovationshauptplatz Linz): Live music, workshops, talks and get-togethers focusing on artificial intelligence. Drop by and take part!

Illustration einer Sprechblase mit dem Songtitel "A Liadl, ans üwa KI"
News 28.03.2024

European Citizen Science Conference in Vienna

On SAT April, 6, 2024, the LIT Robopsychology Lab is presented with "A Song all about AI" at the Citizen Science Day at the Natural History Museum Vienna

zwei auffallend rote Sprechblasen mit dem Titel des Songs auf deutsch und englisch, dazu eine grafische Gestaltung mti vernetzten Noten
News 05.02.2024

The Robopsychology Lab celebrates three successful graduations.

Three new doctoral graduates of psychology in just three weeks