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The CoBot Studio project team.

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Gruppenfoto mit 8 Personen project team CoBot Studio at the final meeting in November 2022: left to right: Kathrin Meyer (JKU), Stephanie Gross (OFAI), Martina Mara (JKU), Michael Heiml (POLY), Brigitte Krenn (POLY), Thomas Layer-Wagner (POLY), Bernhard Reiterer (JOAR), Roland Haring (AEF)

Contributing persons.

Over the 3.5 years of the project, many different people have worked on CoBot Studio.

Martina Mara JKU, Kathrin Meyer JKU, Roland Haring AEF, Daniel Rammer AEF, Bernhard Reiterer JOAR, Thomas Layer-Wagner POLY, Michael Heiml POLY, Brigitte Krenn OFAI, Steffi Gross OFAI, Verena Fuchsberger PLUS, Michael Zillich BLUE

Tim Reinboth OFAI, Hanna Braun PLUS, Alina Krischkowsky PLUS, Robert Praxmarer POLY, Tobias Hoffmann POLY, Michael Kager POLY, Julian Zauner AEF, Christopher Lindinger AEF, Susanne Teufelauer AEF, Clemens Scharfen AEF, Marianne Eisl AEF, Horst Pichler JOAR, Bernhard Dieber JOAR, Matthias Weyrer JOAR, Lukas Kaiser JOAR, Benedikt Leichtmann JKU, Thomas Meneweger JKU (früher PLUS), Christine Busch JKU, Anna Paschmanns JKU, Clarissa Veitch JKU, Alfio Ventura JKU, Scharo Gaff JKU, Franz Deimling (Berger) JKU, Ben Deetjen JKU, Franziska Rabl JKU, Peter Suchentrunk JKU


The project was funded by the IDEEN LAB program of the Austria Research Promotion Agency (FFG), project CoBot Studio (872590).