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LIT Robopsychology Lab
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The LIT Robopsychology Lab at the Citizen Science Day in Vienna.

We took part - on 6 April 2024 at the Natural History Museum Vienna as part of the European Citizen Science Conference.

At our booth, we once again asked visitors and interested parties: What questions do you have about AI in your everyday life? What do you think everyone should know about AI? What can you do better than AI?

Our exhibition stand was based on a participatory project by the LIT Robopsychology Lab together with citizen scientists, artists and AI experts, in which questions about artificial intelligence were collected and creative answers developed. In cooperation with the singer-songwriter Blonder Engel, the song ‘A Song, All about AI’ was created.

The music video for the song was available at our stand. Visitors were able to sing parts of the the song in other languages, come up with their own lyrics and then even record or sing them themselves.

The day in Vienna was a starting point for joint discussions on AI and an exciting networking meeting with other researchers and exhibitors.

Der Messestand beinhaltet einen Videoscreen und die große Überschrift "A Liadl, ans üwa KI – A song all about AI" ©LIT Robopsychology Lab