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LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab
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Our Publications

Millington-Hotze P., Dyte H., Manna S., Covre da Silva S., Rastelli A., Chekhovich E.:
Approaching a fully-polarized state of nuclear spins in a solid, in Nature Communications, Vol. 15, 2024

Karli Y., Vajner D., Kappe F., Hagen P., Hansen L., Schwarz R., Bracht T., Schimpf C., Covre da Silva S., Walther P., Rastelli A., Axt V., Loredo J., Remesh V., Heindel T., Reiter D., Weihs G.:
Controlling the photon number coherence of solid-state quantum light sources for quantum cryptography, in npj Quantum Information, Vol. 10, Nr. 17, 2024

Konrad A., Scholl C., Mahzoon A., Große D., Drechsler R.:
Divider verification using symbolic computer algebra and delayed don't care optimization: theory and practical implementation,, in Formal Methods in System Design: An International Journal, 2024

Hornung F., pfister U., Bauer S., Cyrlyson`s D., Wang D., Vijayan P., José Garcia Junior A., Covre da Silva S., Jetter M., Portalupi S., Rastelli A., Michler P.:
Highly Indistinguishable Single Photons from Droplet-Etched GaAs Quantum Dots Integrated in Single-Mode Waveguides and Beamsplitters, in Nano Letters, Vol. 24, Seite(n) 1184-1190, 2024

Krieger T., Weidinger C., Oberleitner T., Undeutsch G., Rota M., Tajik N., Aigner M., Buchinger Q., Schimpf C., José Garcia Junior A., Covre da Silva S., Höfling S., Huber-Loyola T., Trotta R., Rastelli A.:
Post-fabrication tuning of circular Bragg resonators for enhanced emitter-cavity coupling, in ACS Photonics, Vol. 11, Nr. 2, Seite(n) 596-603, 2024

Heindel T., Kim J., Gregersen N., Rastelli A., Reitzenstein S.:
Quantum dots for photonic quantum information technology, in Advances in Optics and Photonics, Vol. 15, Seite(n) 613-738, 2024

Rass S.:
Tell me who you are friends with and I will tell you who you are: Unique Neighborhoods in Random Graphs, in Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, 2024

Klemmer L., Große D.:
WAVING Goodbye to Manual Waveform Analysis in HDL Design with WAL, in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2024

Riegler M., Sametinger J., Vierhauser M., Wimmer M.:
A Model-based Mode-switching Framework based on Security Vulnerability Scores, in Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 200, Elsevier, 2023

Kappe F., Karli Y., Bracht T., Covre da Silva S., Seidelmann T., Axt V., Rastelli A., Weihs G., Reiter D., Remesh V.:
Collective excitation of spatio-spectrally distinct quantum dots enabled by chirped pulses, in Materials for Quantum Technology, Vol. 3, Seite(n) 025006, 2023

Remesh V., Krämer R., Schwarz R., Kappe F., Karli Y., Siems M., Bracht T., Covre da Silva S., Rastelli A., Reiter D., Richter D., Nolte S., Weihs G.:
Compact chirped fiber Bragg gratings for single-photon generation from quantum dots, in APL Photonics, Vol. 8, Seite(n) 101301, 2023

Basso Basset F., Valeri M., Neuwirth J., Polino E., Rota M., Poderini D., Pardo C., Rodari G., Roccia E., Covre da Silva S., Ronco G., Spagnolo N., Rastelli A., Carvacho G., Sciarrino F., Trotta R.:
Daylight entanglement-based quantum key distribution with a quantum dot source, in Quantum Science and Technology, Vol. 8, Seite(n) 025002, 2023

Ahmad S., Rass S., Schartner P.:
False-Bottom Encryption: Deniable Encryption from Secret Sharing, in IEEE Access, Nr. 11, IEEE, 2023

Vierhauser M., Garmendia A., Stadler M., Wimmer M., Cleland-Huang J.:
GRuM – A Flexible Model-Driven Runtime Monitoring Framework and its Application to Automated Aerial and Ground Vehicles, in Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 203, Nr. 111733, 2023

Rass S., König S., Wachter J., Mayoral-Vilches V., Panaousis E.:
Game-Theoretic APT defense: An Experimental Study on Robotics, in Computers & Security, Vol. 132, Elsevier, Seite(n) 103328, 2023

Schimpf C., Basso Basset F., Aigner M., Atteneder W., Ginés L., Undeutsch G., Reindl M., Huber D., Gangloff D., Chekhovich E., Schneider C., Höfling S., Predojević A., Trotta R., Rastelli A.:
Hyperfine interaction limits polarization entanglement of photons from semiconductor quantum dots, in Physical Review B, Vol. 108, Seite(n) L081405, 2023

Zaporski L., Shofer N., Bodey J., Manna S., Gillard G., Appel M., Schimpf C., Covre da Silva S., Jarman J., Delamare G., Park G., Häusler U., Chekhovich E., Rastelli A., Gangloff D., Atatüre M., Le Gall C.:
Ideal refocusing of an optically active spin qubit under strong hyperfine interactions, in Nature Nanotechnology, Vol. 18, Seite(n) 257–263, 2023

Seidel M., Yang Y., Schumacher T., Huo Y., Covre da Silva S., Rodt S., Rastelli A., Reitzenstein S., Lippitz M.:
Intermediate Field Coupling of Single Epitaxial Quantum Dots to Plasmonic Waveguides, in Nano Letters, Vol. 23, Seite(n) 10532–10537, 2023

Millington-Hotze P., Manna S., Covre da Silva S., Rastelli A., Chekhovich E.:
Nuclear spin diffusion in the central spin system of a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dot, in Nature Communications, Vol. 14, Seite(n) 2677, 2023

Gomes G., Gomes M., Covre da Silva S., José Garcia Junior A., Rastelli A., Couto Jr O., Malachias A., Deneke C.:
Review: using rolled-up tubes for strain-tuning the optical properties of quantum emitters, in Nanotechnology, Vol. 34, Seite(n) 412001, 2023

Basso Basset F., Rota M., Beccaceci M., Krieger T., Buchinger Q., Neuwirth J., Huet H., Stroj S., Covre da Silva S., Ronco G., Schimpf C., Höfling S., Huber-Loyola T., Rastelli A., Trotta R.:
Signatures of the Optical Stark Effect on Entangled Photon Pairs from Resonantly Pumped Quantum Dots, in Physical Review Letters, Vol. 131, Seite(n) 166901, 2023

Mir O., Slamanig D., Mayrhofer R.:
Threshold Delegatable Anonymous Credentials with Controlled and Fine-Grained Delegation, in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2023

Seidelmann T., Bracht T., Lehner B., Schimpf C., Cosacchi M., Cygorek M., Vagov A., Rastelli A., Reiter D., Axt V.:
Two-photon excitation with finite pulses unlocks pure dephasing-induced degradation of entangled photons emitted by quantum dots, in Physical Review B, Vol. 107, Seite(n) 235304, 2023

Mohamed A., Auer D., Hofer D., Küng J.:
A systematic literature review of authorization and access control requirements and current state of the art for different database models, in International Journal of Web Information Systems, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023

Roland M., Höller T., Mayrhofer R.:
Digitale Identitäten in der physischen Welt: Eine Abwägung von Privatsphäreschutz und Praktikabilität, in HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Vol. 60, Nr. 2, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, Seite(n) 283-307, 2023

Hofer P., Roland M., Mayrhofer R., Schwarz P.:
Optimizing Distributed Face Recognition Systems through Efficient Aggregation of Facial Embeddings, in Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, 2023

Mir O., Slamanig D., Bauer B., Mayrhofer R.:
Practical Delegatable Anonymous Credentials From Equivalence Class Signatures, in Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), Vol. 2023, Nr. 3, Seite(n) 488-513, 2023

Schlägl M., Stockinger M., Große D.:
A RISC-V "V" VP: Unlocking Vector Processing for Evaluation at the System Level: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) 2024, 2024

Schlägl M., Große D.:
Bounded Load/Stores in Grammar-based Code Generation for Testing the RISC-V Vector Extension: RISC-V Summit Europe 2024, 2024

Hazott C., Stögmüller F., Große D.:
Leveraging Virtual Prototypes and Metamorphic Testing for Verification of Embedded Graphics Libraries: ITG/GI/GMM-Workshop Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen (MBMV) 2024, 2024

Schlägl M., Hazott C., Große D.:
RISC-V VP++: Next Generation Open-Source Virtual Prototype: Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation (OSDA) 2024 hosted at DATE, 2024

Hazott C., Große D.:
Relation Coverage: A New Paradigm for Hardware/Software Testing: 29th IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS) 2024, 2024

Klemmer L., Skarman F., Gustafsson O., Große D.:
Surfer: A Waveform Viewer as Dynamic as RISC-V: RISC-V Summit Europe 2024, 2024

Klemmer L., Große D.:
Towards a Highly Interactive Design-Debug-Verification Cycle: 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2024

Große D., Klemmer L., Bonora D.:
Using Formal Verification Methods for Optimization of Circuits under External Constraints: Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE) 2024, 2024

Hazott C., Stögmüller F., Große D.:
Verifying Embedded Graphics Libraries leveraging Virtual Prototypes and Metamorphic Testing: 29th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2024, 2024

Klemmer L., Große D.:
WSVA: A SystemVerilog Assertion to WAL Compiler: Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation (OSDA) 2024 hosted at DATE, 2024

Klemmer L., Große D.:
A DSL for Visualizing Pipelines: A RISC-V Case Study: RISC-V Summit Europe, 2023

Riegler M., Sametinger J., Vierhauser M.:
A Distributed MAPE-K Framework for Self-Protective IoT Devices, in IEEE: Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, Serie 18th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), Seite(n) 202-208, 2023

Leierzopf E., Roland M., Putz F., Mayrhofer R.:
A Large-Scale Data Collection and Evaluation Framework for Android Device Security Attributes: IDIMT-2023: 31st Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, Seite(n) 63-72, 2023

Agrawal A., Zhang B., Shivalingaiah Y., Vierhauser M., Cleland-Huang J.:
A Requirements-Driven Platform for Validating Field Operations of Small Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles: 31st IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 2023

Schneider S., Burgholzer L., Wille R.:
A SAT Encoding for Optimal Clifford Circuit Synthesis: Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2023

Mir O., Bauer B., Griffy S., Lysyanskaya A., Slamanig D.:
Aggregate Signatures with Versatile Randomization and Issuer-Hiding Multi-Authority Anonymous Credentials: CCS '23: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, ACM, Seite(n) 30-44, 2023

Hofer D., Mohamed A., Nadschläger S., Auer D.:
An Intermediate Representation for Rewriting Cypher Queries, in Gabriele Kotsis, A Min Tjoa, Ismail Khalil, Bernhard Moser, Atif Mashkoor, Johannes Sametinger, Maqbool Khan: Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2023 Workshops, Serie Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 1872, Springer, Cham, Seite(n) 86-90, 2023

Sonntag M., Mayrhofer R., Rass S.:
Anonymously Publishing Liveness Signals with Plausible Deniability, in Pari Delir Haghighi, Ismail Khalil, Gabriele Kotsis, Ngurah Agus Sanjaya ER: Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia Intelligence, Serie Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 14417, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 2023

Riegler M., Sametinger J., Rozenblit J.:
Architecture for Self-protective Medical Cyber-Physical Systems: International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications in Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2023 Workshops, Serie Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 1872, Springer, Cham, Seite(n) 57-66, 2023

Kahlhofer M., Kern P., Henning S., Rass S.:
Benchmarking Function Hook Latency in Cloud-Native Environments: 14th Symposium on Software Performance, Serie SSP'23, Vol. 43, Nr. 4, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn, Seite(n) 11-13, 2023

Kohlbacher C., Vierhauser M., Groher I.:
Common Code Quality Issues of Novice Java Programmers: A Comprehensive Analysis of Student Assignments: In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU, April 21-23, 2023, Prag, Czech Republic., 2023

Hazott C., Große D.:
DSA monitoring framework for HW/SW partitioning of application kernels leveraging VPs: Design and Verification Conference Europe (DVCon Europe), 2023

Konrad A., Scholl C., Mahzoon A., Große D., Drechsler R.:
Divider Verification Using Symbolic Computer Algebra and Delayed Don’t Care Optimization: ITG/GI/GMM-Workshop Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen (MBMV), 2023

Roland M., Höller T., Schwarz P., Mayrhofer R.:
Efficient Aggregation of Face Embeddings for Decentralized Face Recognition Deployments: ICISSP 2023: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy; Lisbon, Portugal, SciTePress, Seite(n) 279-286, 2023

Skarman F., Klemmer L., Gustafsson O., Große D.:
Enhancing Compiler-Driven HDL Design with Automatic Waveform Analysis: Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL), 2023

Pekarek D., Mössenböck H.:
Extraction of Virtual Machine Execution Traces: Virtual Machines and Language Implementations (VMIL'23), 2023

Hofer P., Roland M., Schwarz P., Mayrhofer R.:
Face to Face with Efficiency: Real-Time Face Recognition Pipelines on Embedded Devices, in Delir Haghighi, P., Khalil, I., Kotsis, G., ER, N.A.S. (eds): Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia Intelligence. 21st International Conference, MoMM '23, Serie MoMM 23, Vol. 21, Springer Link, Seite(n) 129-143, 2023

Ruep K., Große D.:
Fuzz-testing of SpinalHDL designs: ITG/GI/GMM-Workshop Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen (MBMV), 2023

Schlägl M., Große D.:
GUI-VP Kit: A RISC-V VP meets Linux graphics - enabling interactive graphical application development: ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI), 2023

Shahzad A., Rass S.:
How to plausibly deny steganographic secrets: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography,SECRYPT 2023, Rome, Italy, July 10-12, 2023, SCITEPRESS, Setúbal, Portugal, Seite(n) 731-737, 2023

Klemmer L., Gurtner S., Große D.:
How we learned to stop worrying and build a RISC-V VP with only one microcode instruction: ITG/GI/GMM-Workshop Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen (MBMV), 2023

Klemmer L., Bonora D., Große D.:
Large-scale gatelevel optimization leveraging property checking: Design and Verification Conference Europe (DVCon Europe), 2023

Lins M., Mayrhofer R., Roland M., Beresford A.:
Mobile App Distribution Transparency (MADT): Design and Evaluation of a System to Mitigate Necessary Trust in Mobile App Distribution Systems, in Lothar Fritsch, Ismail Hassan, Ebenezer Paintsil: Secure IT Systems 28th Nordic Conference, NordSec 2023, Nr. 1, Springer Link, Cham, Seite(n) 185-203, 2023

Geleßus D., Stock S., Vu F., Leuschel M., Mashkoor A.:
Modeling and Analysis of a Safety-Critical Interactive System Through Validation Obligations: Rigorous State-Based Methods, Serie Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 14010, Seite(n) 284-302, 2023

Klemmer L., Große D.:
Programming Language Assisted Waveform Analysis: A Case Study on the Instruction Performance of SERV: Workshop on Open-Source Design Automation (OSDA), 2023

Stadler M., Vierhauser M.:
ROMoSu: Flexible Runtime Monitoring Support for ROS-based Applications: 5th International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering, Serie RoSE, IEEE, New York, 2023

Hofer D., Mohamed A., Auer D., Nadschläger S., Küng J.:
Rewriting Graph-DB Queries to Enforce Attribute-Based Access Control, in Christine Strauss, Toshiyuki Amagasa, Gabriele Kotsis, A Min Tjoa, Ismail Khalil: Database and Expert Systems Applications, Serie Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 14146, Springer, Cham, Seite(n) 431-436, 2023

Mayoral-Vilches V., Jabbour J., Hsiao Y., Wan Z., Martínez-Farina A., Crespo-Álvarez M., Stewart M., Reina-Munoz J., Nagras P., Vikhe G., Bakhshalipour M., Pinzger M., Rass S., Panigrahi S., Corradi G., Roy N., Gibbons P., Neuman S., Plancher B., Reddi V.:
RobotPerf: An Open-Source, Vendor-Agnostic, Benchmarking Suite for Evaluating Robotics Computing System Performance: RobotPerf, IEEE, 2023

Rass S., König S.:
Synchronization in Security Games, in Fang, Feiand Xu, Haifengand Hayel, Yezekael: Decision and Game Theory for Security, Serie Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer International Publishing, Cham, Seite(n) 129 - 148, 2023

Stadler M., Riegler M., Sametinger J.:
Towards Increasing Safety in Collaborative CPS Environments, in Communications in Computer and Information Science: International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, In: Kotsis, G., et al. Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2023 Workshops, Penang, Malaysia, August 28–30, 2023., Springer, Cham, Seite(n) 79-85, 2023

Stock S., Vu F., Geleßus D., Leuschel M., Mashkoor A., Egyed A.:
Validation by Abstraction and Refinement, in Springer Nature Switzerland: 9th International Conference, Rigorous State-Based Methods, Nancy, France, Seite(n) 160-178, 2023

Mohamed A., Auer D., Hofer D., Küng J.:
XACML Extension for Graphs: Flexible Authorization Policy Specification and Datastore-Independent Enforcement, in Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati and Pierangela Samarati: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Security and Cryptography SECRYPT - Volume 1, Vol. 1, Science and Technology Publications (SciTePress), Portugal, Seite(n) 442-449, 2023

Schwarz P., Scharinger J., Hofer P.:
Gait Recognition Using 3D View-Transformation Model, in Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Franz Pichler, Alexis Quesada-Arencibia: Computer Aided Systems Theory – EUROCAST 2022, Serie Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 13789, Nr. 18, Springer, Seite(n) 452-459, 2023

Mir O., Bauer B., Griffy S., Lysyanskaya A., Slamanig D.:
Aggregate Signatures with Versatile Randomization and Issuer-Hiding Multi-Authority Anonymous Credentials, Serie Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2023

Deng G., Liu Y., Mayoral-Vilches V., Pinzger M., Rass S.:
ExploitFlow, cyber security exploitation routes for Game Theory and AI research in robotics, Serie arXiv.org, Vol. abs/2308.02152, Nr. 2308.02152, 2023

Rass S., Pinzger M.:
Incentive-Based Software Security: Fair Micro-Payments for Writing Secure Code, Serie arXiv.org, arxiv.org, 2023

Deng G., Liu Y., Mayoral-Vilches V., Liu P., Li Y., Xu Y., Zhang T., Liu Y., Pinzger M., Rass S.:
PentestGPT: An LLM-empowered automatic penetration testing tool, Serie arXiv.org, Vol. abs/2308.06782, Nr. 2308.06782, 2023

Rass S.:
Perfectly Secure Communication, based on Graph-Topological Addressing in Unique-Neighborhood Networks, Serie arXiv.org, arxiv.org, 2023

Mohamed A., Auer D., Hofer D., Küng J.:
XACML Extension for Graphs: Flexible Authorization Policy Specification and Datastore-Independent Enforcement, Serie arXiv.org, 2023