Stefan Rass is a full professor and chair of the Secure Systems Group at the LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab. He holds degrees in computer science and technical mathematics, and has a background in general system security, cryptography, risk management, statistics, complexity theory, game- and decision theory and theoretical computer science.
He is the author of numerous papers (> 190) on applied security and quantum cryptography, security infrastructures, robot security, and game-theoretic security models, and does research in the area of model- and simulation-based security methods, as well as applied cryptography and quantum cryptography. He is co-author of the book "Cryptography for Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing", published by Artech House, and co-authored "Cyber-Security in Critical Infrastructures: A Game-Theoretic Approach," published by Springer.
He completed research stays in Cyprus, England, Germany, Poland, Sweden and the USA, participated in various nationally and internationally funded research projects, acted as a contributing researcher in many EU projects and provides consulting services to industry.
Research Interests
- Decision theory and game theory with applications in cybersecurity
- Applied Cryptology
- Security Economics
- Security of Artificial Intelligence
- IT Risk Management
- Information Theoretical Security
- Complexity Theory
- Data Science for Security