The Long Night of Writing.

Writing during the Silence of the Night.

Have you ever experienced 'reverse writer’s block', meaning instead of blanking out, everything in your head suddenly becomes clear and you can't get the words and ideas down fast enough? Whether you are in class or writing a major paper, academic writing is part of earning an academic degree.


The JKU would like to extend an invitation to students to attend the Long Night of Writing. You can:

  • get lots of useful tips and suggestions to help your approach to writing your academic paper
  • take exercise classes to help relax your mind and ease any back tension
  • and enjoy a loooooong time to write: from 6:00 AM to 6:00!

We can accommodate up to 150 students so be among the first to get there! It's first come, first served.


June 11, 2024
6:00 PM to 6:00 AM


150 spots, advance registration is not required


Time Presentation or Activity Speaker/Instructor Location
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM 

Good Scientific Practices: Citing correctly, avoiding plagiarism and the use of generative AI.

The principles of good scientific practice and scientific integrity are an integral to writing a strong thesis. This presentation explores forms of misconduct and how to avoid them, as well as useful tips to ensure a smooth and successful writing experience.

Mag. Claudia Witzeneder, Vice-Rectorate for Student Affairs

Training Room
Learning Center

7:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Pilates/Back Exercises

Looking for some exercise to help overcome writer's block, or need a quick a time-out from sitting too long?

Treat yourself to half an hour of Pilates! This whole-body workout focuses on concentration, balance, breathing and relaxation. The exercises engage the entire body - from the top of your head to the tips of your toes - and are especially geared towards strengthening your core.

Verena Enzenhofer BSc MSSc, Human Resource Development, Gender & Diversity Management

Info Desk Learning Center
8:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Pilates/Back Exercises

Looking for some exercise to help overcome writer's block, or need a quick a time-out from sitting too long?

Treat yourself to half an hour of Pilates! This whole-body workout focuses on concentration, balance, breathing and relaxation. The exercises engage the entire body - from the top of your head to the tips of your toes - and are especially geared towards strengthening your core.

Verena Enzenhofer BSc MSSc, Human Resource Development, Gender & Diversity Management

Info Desk Learning Center
9:00 PM - 9:30 PM


Stand up, stretch, loosen up, and get moving; apply breathing techniques to help bring your mind and body in balance; recharge your batteries by being active; take a moment to lie down and calm your thoughts, re-energize.

This class is also perfect for beginners. No prior experience necessary!

Christina Radner Info Desk Learning Center
9.30 PM


You could win a ticket for two to the first JKU's first-ever, on-campus Summer Ball under the motto “Dance the Kepler”, on June 14, 2024!

  Info Desk Learning Center

10.00 PM - 10.30 PM


Stand up, stretch, loosen up, and get moving; apply breathing techniques to help bring your mind and body in balance; recharge your batteries by being active; take a moment to lie down and calm your thoughts, re-energize.

This class is also perfect for beginners. No prior experience necessary!

Christina Radner Info- Learning Center