The 4th annual BFG Day took place in October at the Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Organized by Prof. Dr. Walter Summersberger and Prof. Dr. Thomas Bieber, this year's conference was held at the JKU Linz. Dean Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bergthaler (JKU Faculty of Law) and Dr. Peter Unger (president of the Federal Fiscal Court) held their opening remarks before an audience of 172 participants, highlighting the significance of the Fiscal Jurisdiction Day's 10th anniversary, particularly as an opportunity to deepen collaboration between academia and the courts. The Institute for Tax Law and the Institute for Procedural Justice, as well as the Academy of Administrative Jurisdiction at the JKU Linz, provide their support in this regard.
Introducing New Judges
Dr. Angelika Schätz (BMF) and Herbert Houf (KSW) introduced new judges and held welcome speeches, followed by separate panels of presentations and discussions focusing on procedural law, corporate law, VAT law, income tax law, and fees. Organized and moderated by judges and academic experts, the panels covered and addressed current topics. Altogether, 17 speakers and 6 panel chairs facilitated stimulating and lively discussions.
Representatives from the Constitutional Court
Univ. Prof. Dr. Andreas Hauer and Univ. Prof. Dr. Markus Achatz, two constitutional court judges, added to the special anniversary conference. Prof. Dr. Hauer spoke about the system of administrative jurisdiction, while Prof. Dr. Markus Achatz shed light on tax law case law with regard to the principle of equality and the principle of ability to pay. The conference not only provided participants and students with invaluable insight into current case law, but also offered an opportunity to network with others on a more personal level and share professional stories and experiences.
Prof. Summersberger was pleased about the successful conference and remarked, “I would like to take this opportunity to especially thank all of the participants as well as the city of Linz for their generous support.”