On 24 October 2019, we celebrated 30 years of controlling.

For 30 years, students have been able to study controlling as a special subject in business administration at the Johannes Kepler University. Since 2005, Birgit Feldbauer-Durstmüller has been head of the Institute, which was previously under the direction of Harald Stiegler. In a recent analysis of the careers of typical controlling managers, Birgit Feldbauer-Durstmüller showed how important experience and continuity are for graduates: "There are hardly any career changers. A classic career path is still "state of the art".
In addition to the presentation of the main research areas, the new controlling book "Controlling – Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen" ["Controlling - Current developments and challenges"] was also presented. We are pleased that we were able to welcome numerous book authors to our celebration.
A special highlight of the evening was the exciting lecture by our former Ph.D. student, CFO of the Erema Group, Horst Wolfsgruber.
Ulrike Steiner, head of Schulmeister Linz, a personnel consultant specialising in commercial positions, together with Birgit-Feldbauer-Durstmüller and Stefan Mayr, awarded prizes to the winners of the competition for master and diploma theses, Daniel Pabinger and Bernhard Kalchmair.
The evening came to an extremely pleasant close with a buffet.