Inaugural lectures by new JKU professors at the Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences took place in January.

On January 29, Prof. Dr. Gerd Bramerdorfer and Prof. Dr. Andreas Schell provided insight into their respective areas of research.
Under the title "Electric Machines - A Topical Research Domain?", opens a file, Prof. Dr. Gerd Bramerdorfer (Institute for Electrical Drives and Power Electronics) addressed the pioneering evolution of electrical machines during the past 200 years, illustrating how new principles in energy conversion and analysis methods are currently resulting in more efficient, robust, and sustainable machines.
Prof. Dr. Andreas Schell (Institute of Semiconductor and Solid-State Physics) held his inaugural lecture titled "Quantum Science and Technology with Solid-State Emitters", opens a file, focusing on the important role of emitters for light quanta (meaning for individual photons) when it comes to generating quantum states in a controlled manner. Schell introduced a flexible approach which can also be used with different material systems and structures.
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