Mag. Dr. Hörmann now heads the working group for IT education and didactics in computer science at the Austrian Computer Society.

Together with Prof. Andreas Bollin (University of Klagenfurt), Mag. Corinna Hörmann, PhD (School of Education) has been appointed head of the Austrian Computer Society’s (OCG) working group, "IT Education and Didactics in Computer Sciences", opens an external URL in a new window. As part of her role, she will also represent the JKU’s interests at the Austrian Society for Didactics (ÖGFD). The working group aims to share experiences in teacher education studies and computer science education at schools. The working group drafts statements regarding ongoing issues in computer science education and promotes a series of lectures, research studies, and specific continuing education initiatives designed to foster innovative media learning and educational methods.
Hörmann considers her appointment a significant opportunity to work toward improving matters for Austrian school students: “When it comes to classroom education in computer sciences at Austrian schools, particularly at secondary schools, there are very few class hours and it’s all on shaky ground. Although there is a strong focus on digital education, oftentimes computer science as an independent subject area seems to be neglected. I am interested in firmly establishing computer science as an independent subject area and emphasizing just how it important it will be in the future.”