26. Kurt W. Rothschild Lecture

Axel Ockenfels (University of Cologne)

[Translate to Englisch:]

Market Failure, Organ Shortage, Pandemic, Energy Crisis, and Climate Change: The Economic Architecture of Cooperation

Many of our societal and economic challenges arise because individual interests conflict with the common good. This lecture highlights, through concrete policy examples—from organ donation to pandemics, energy crises, and climate change—the reasons why cooperation often fails. At the same time, it demonstrates how we can use modern economic approaches to create incentive and decision-making architectures that address "cooperation in crisis" and help overcome the challenges of our time.



Tuesday, 19th November 202406.00 PM
Tuesday, 19th November 2024Uni-Center, JKU
Date Tuesday, 19th November 2024
Time 06.00 PM
Location Uni-Center, JKU


Opening Remarks

  • Univ. Prof. Dr. Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, Head of School of Economics and Statistics
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Koch, Rector of Johannes Kepler University Linz
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerald Pruckner, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics & Business


Presentation of Publication Awards by the Department of Economics


Kurt Rothschild Lecture (in German)

  • Prof. Dr. Axel Ockenfels, Universität zu Köln
    • ­­Marktversagen, Organmangel, Pandemie, Energiekrise und Klimawandel
      Die ökonomische Architektur der Kooperation


Refreshments and snacks will be served afterwards.

Sign up to attend at: www.reglist24.com/rothschildlecture, opens an external URL in a new window


Time & date

November 19, 2024

18:00 - 22:00 PM

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Department of Economics

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