The JKU performed a number of particularly fiery experiments on St. Nicholas Day.

The Department of Chemistry staged the premiere of an experimental St. Nicholas Day lecture on December 6 in the newly renovated HS 10 lecture hall. Some 150 curious and intrigued spectators attended as professors Sabine Hild, Oliver Brüggemann, Marko Hapke, and their team, put on a colorful and fascinating show of experiments along with related stories and commentaries and then - literally - set off a spectacular chemical spectacle!
In addition to festive colors and flames, the experiments involved silver plating on flasks to potentially decorate trees, and (very audible) experiments involving small decomposing, but reactive, molecules, along with a few anecdotes and explanations about the underlying facts. Following a "bang" at the end of the event, participants had an opportunity to enjoy chatting in a casual atmosphere over hot mulled wine, holiday punch, and cookies. The next opportunity to experience live experiments will be during the 2024 Long Night of Research on May 24, 2024!