Save-the-Date: The DyslexiaLab Summer School Program between August 27 - 29, 2024

The JKU is making "space for new talent". Do you want to actively and creatively take part in research? Our summer school program for prospective students addresses dyslexia (difficulties in reading and writing) and also discovering gift prospective students. Take part and learn how you can pursue an academic degree at the university. Together we will explore how we can make barrier-free learning, education, studying and working a reality.

Open to all prospective students and students suffering from dyslexia and everyone interested in the topic of dyslexia in education.

We need EVERYONE to meet the challenges facing our modern society! The JKU is creating "space for new talent". Would you like to creatively and actively take part in research?

The Dyslexia Summer School program gives students suffering from reading and writing difficulties (dyslexia) an opportunity to learn more first-hand about how (tertiary) education can work for them. In addition to initially clarifying medical, biographical and technical aspects, students can explore, develop, and test new, flexible and inclusive approaches to tertiary education.

We want to learn about how barrier-free education, teaching, studying, and working can function for people living with dyslexia and what it takes to succeed.

Sign up at:, opens an external URL in a new window

Please note that signing up is just an initial indication of your interest and we will contact you. We look forward to seeing you there!