FAME - School on Foundations and Advances of Model-Based Engineering

The School on Foundations and Advances of Model-Based Engineering (FAME) aims at providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of software and systems modeling, focusing on the foundations, current challenges, and recent advancements in the field. It will be held at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, from September 19-21, 2024.

[Translate to Englisch:] FAME School

FAME targets Master’s and PhD students, post-docs, academics, and industry professionals interested in model-based approaches. Recognized experts will provide a balanced mix of academic insights and industrial applications through lectures on scientific methods, empirical techniques, paper writing, and research proposal composition, equipping participants with essential skills for both academic and industrial careers. The event will also include hands-on experience classes and poster sessions, fostering interaction and knowledge exchange among attendees.

Over three days, the school provides a unique opportunity to engage with leading experts in model-based engineering and to explore the practical and theoretical aspects of modeling in complex software systems.

The FAME school is held in the lead-up to the MODELS 2024 conference.


Time & date

September 19, 2024, 08:30 AM

- September 21, 2024, 18:00 PM

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Science Park 2


Dr. Stefan Klikovits
Department of Business Informatics – Software Engineering