Practicing for real court proceedings: Students held a fictitious trial at the Federal Administrative Court in Vienna.
Teams from the JKU and the Vienna University of Economics and Business slipped into the roles of a client’s legal representatives as the presumptive successful bidder and unsuccessful bidders, demonstrating their negotiating skills on the client’s behalf in front of a panel of high-ranking judges (Dr. Michael Fruhmann, BMJ / RA Dr. Katharina Trettnak-Hahnl, Karasek Wietrzyk Rechtsanwälte GmbH / Mag. Huber Reisner, BVwG).
Supported by Dr. Matthäus Metzler, LL.M., M3 Metzler & Partner attorneys-at-law, the JKU team consisting of Elisa Rindler, Martin Schwager, and Anna Stopper was presented with an award as the best team. Anna Itkin (Vienna University of Economics and Business) was the recipient of the Best Speaker Award. Prof. Claudia Fuchs (Department of Public Corporate Law), added: "The moot court experience is invaluable, giving students a unique opportunity to work on actual real-world cases as part of a team, honing their legal skills and education as well as demonstrating their negotiation skills in court setting."
Verlag Österreich presented the award winners with professional publications about public procurement law.