JKU Vice-Rector Stefan Koch presented Andreas Auinger with a habilitation certificate in the subject area of Business Informatics.

Auinger’s post-doctoral dissertation titled "On the Relevance of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Research in Business Informatics" presents an excerpt of his research over the past ten years conducted at the interface of business informatics and human-computer interaction. Andreas Auinger is a professor of Digital Business at the University of Applied Sciences in Steyr and head of the joint Master's degree program in Digital Business Management, a program jointly organized by the JKU and the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.
In Austria - as well as in some other European countries - the “Habilitation” is the country’s highest-ranking university examination in which applicants undergo an academic evaluation of their special qualifications to independently conduct scientific/academic research and teach the entire range of their subject area [facultas docendi]. As a pre-requisite for the academic examination procedure and to earn the [venia legendi] teaching authorization and qualification in a specified subject area, the “Habilitation” candidate is required to initiate and develop outstanding academic/scientific and didactic qualifications.
About Andreas Auinger
Born in Steyr in 1975, Auinger studied Business Informatics at the JKU. After completing his Master's degree in 2000, Auinger earned a doctorate with a thesis titled "Technologische Unterstützung didaktikgeleiteten Wissenstransfers. Einbettung generischer Lernunterstützung in die webbasierte Lernumgebung ScholionWB+" (2003). He has been a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Steyr since 2006. Auinger has received numerous awards and grants for his work, including a Best Paper Award ICETE (2012), FFG Bridge InnoStrategy 2.0, the 2016 Excellence in Teaching Award, and the currently ongoing Marie Curie ETN project PERFORM, in which 7 partners, including the JKU, are involved.