LIT Lectures 13. November 2019 

Thinking cars, subways on computer chips, atoms’ fingerprints – if you want to know, what JKU research is all about, you are cordially invited to join the LIT Lecture Series!

In the LIT Open Innovation Center you will again find an exciting program with interesting lectures!


Time & date

November 13, 2019

12:00 - 13:30 PM

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LIT Open Innovation Center



All you need to know about binary neutron stars (and I can tell in 15 minutes)
VortragenderLuciano Rezzolla, opens an external URL in a new window
LIT / InstitutGoethe University Frankfurt
Tomorrow´s patient - from high-tech planning to high-tech neurosurgery
VortragenderAndreas Gruber, opens an external URL in a new window
LIT / InstitutLIT / University Hospital for Neurosurgery
Networks of Knowledge Engines
VortragenderBernhard Bergmair, opens an external URL in a new window
LIT / InstitutLinz Center of Mechatronics
A pleasant end with coffee and cake
LIT / Institut 
Agenda Vortragender LIT / Institut
All you need to know about binary neutron stars (and I can tell in 15 minutes) Luciano Rezzolla, opens an external URL in a new window Goethe University Frankfurt
Tomorrow´s patient - from high-tech planning to high-tech neurosurgery Andreas Gruber, opens an external URL in a new window LIT / University Hospital for Neurosurgery
Networks of Knowledge Engines Bernhard Bergmair, opens an external URL in a new window Linz Center of Mechatronics
A pleasant end with coffee and cake    

You can download the program as PDF here, opens a file.



We kindly ask you to sign in latest by 6. November 2019 via