In just over 100 locations in 11 regions, over 150 participating exhibitors in Upper Austria invite you to experience cutting-edge research up close.

Markus Achleitner, Upper Austrian Minister of Economics and Research, referred to the Austrian Patent Office’s 2021 report and remarked: "Fortunately, the innovative momentum in Upper Austria continues unabated, even during the pandemic. In Upper Austria last year, there were over 561 applications for patents, more than in any Austrian state." The Long Night of Research on May 20 (beginning at 5:00 PM) will be an opportunity to showcase a number of innovative inventions.
After a two-year break on account of the pandemic, JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas and Vice-Rector Elgin Drda are pleased to announce this year’s “Long Night of Research” event: "On May 20, the Johannes Kepler University Linz will once again interactively showcase advancements in research and science," Once again, during this year’s Long Night of Research, the JKU will be Upper Austria’s largest exhibitor.
Visitors can check out over 60 stations located at the main campus, at the JKU MED Campus, as well as at the JKU Software Park Hagenberg and explore new ideas, make discoveries, and try their hand at conducting experiments. Visitors will also have a unique opportunity to acquire first-hand insight into science and experience the most recent technologies up close. JKU researchers in the areas of natural sciences, social sciences, engineering, law, and medicine will answer questions on the various hot topics that impact all of us in our everyday lives: Just how do drones and autonomous vehicles work? Is plastic not as bad as its reputation? How can I keep better track of my digital ID and data footprint? How does a court hearing work? How does Spot, the robot dog, register his immediate surroundings?
New to the LNR: The JKU MED Campus
Now that the JKU MED Campus opened last September, there are new opportunities and spaces at the JKU to open up and conduct research, teach, and share information. A special highlight in the JKU medSPACE is a transmission of two different surgeries live from the Kepler University Hospital as well as an opportunity to have basic anatomical principles explained in a clear, concise way. Vice-Rector Elgin Drda added: "Be inspired during the Long Night of Research at the JKU MED Campus. Come to the JKU medSPACE and experience a brain surgery and an open-heart surgery live, directly from the operating rooms at the Kepler University Hospital. The visualizations at the JKU medSPACE are not only a quantum leap in medical education, they are also a spectacular experience for non-experts."