Together with partners from 11 countries around Europe, the JKU is conducting research to improve electronics.

The R-PODID project seeks to improve energy efficiency and reliability in electronic systems and components by embedding artificial intelligence (AI) inside small computers within these components.
Univ. Prof. Wolfgang Gruber (Institute for Electrical Drives and Power Electronics) is leading the JKU’s part of the project which not only involves developing special AI programs, but also testing to see if they can function on small, power-limited computers. In addition, new, high-performance semiconductor devices are being manufactured to meet the demands of modern industry and for electric vehicles. Innovative sensors and packages are also being engineered so that AI programs can collect usable, real-time data. This is also expected to make the electronic systems more robust.
Several prototypes will be built at the end of the project and tested as part of real-world applications, such as at industrial plants or in electrical drives for vehicles.