Special Issue "Platform Organizations and Societal Change" in Organization Studies 


[Translate to Englisch:] Georg Reischauer

Georg Reischauer is co-organizing the Special Issue "Platform Organizations and Societal Change" in Organization Studies. A summary is provided below, the full call can be accesses here: https://journals.sagepub.com/pb-assets/cmscontent/oss/call%20for%20papers%20February%202025-1709721323.pdf, opens an external URL in a new window

Explore the transformative role of platform organizations in shaping society! Submit your research to our special issue.

Platform organizations like Google, Amazon, and Apple are redefining how we connect and do business. They create value and govern users through algorithms and interfaces.

The special issue aims to understand how platform organizations affect societal change and are shaped by other entities. We invite papers from various disciplines to bridge academic boundaries. Broader topics include drivers and consequences of platform-driven societal change, organizational responses to platform organizations and societal change, and politics of platform organizations and power shifts

Join us in advancing organization theory and exploring the complex relationship between platform organizations and society. #PlatformResearch #SocietalChange